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She reached between them and placed her hand above his crotch and began to stroke. Lucas smiled against her as he grinded into her hand. He brought her hands up slowly and wrapped them around his neck.

He reached down and lay his hand on top of her crotch and watched as her eyes glazed over with uncontrolled desire. He unzipped his jeans and kicked them off as Lorena watched him through hooded eyes.

She kicked off her own jeans and watched as his eyes trailed over her body. He unclasped her bra and took one breast in his mouth. He began to suck and lick until Lorena was practically clawing on his back. He took the other breast and did the same till both her nipples were erect. She impatiently grinded against him until he finally tore himself away and lowered his boxers.

He thrust into her in one quick stroke, and they began to move together in wild abandon not caring if the whole world heard them. He began to nibble on her ears and bit her neck as he steadily thrust into her.

She ran her hands up and down his back and over his hips causing him to tremble in desire.

They finally came together, both of them shouting, their voices echoing on that empty beach.

“Let’s go home,” he finally said a while later as he was stroking her back.

Lorena smiled up at him as they got dressed and moved towards his car. They got in and drove towards Elena, towards their future.


In The Sea: A Workplace Romance

Chapter One

Ashlyn had barely thrown her bag on the bed assigned to her before she hurried out the house’s back door. There was nothing like the beach, and she didn’t want to wait to hear the sound of the waves and feel the warm sand between her toes. The beach was one of her favorite places ever, even though she had only been a few times. She was like a mermaid when it came to the water, and she had tried out for the swim team solely so that she could spend time in the pool at her high school.

“Wow!” Ashlyn said quietly as she stood at the edge of the steps that came down on the beachside of the dunes. She kicked her flipflops off and tossed them to the side beside a few other pairs of flipflops. She was at the beach, and the crew was going to be there for two full weeks.

“Thank goodness for beach scenes,” Ashlyn murmured. She looked around, but the beach was fairly empty. Most people weren’t quite off work yet, and the all-dayers had gotten tired already. It was the perfect time. “Too bad I didn’t take time to put on my swimsuit. I’ll just dip my toes in.” Ashlyn began walking along the edge of the beach, the cool water making the sand squish beneath her toes.

Mark was trying to invade her thoughts, but Ashlyn was trying to push him out. She had pretty much ignored him as much as possible after their interesting encounter. He was still nice to her, and he acted like every gentleman should. Ashlyn was doubting herself. Maybe she really had said something that made him think what he did was okay. If she didn’t remember, then she could have said yes.

Ashlyn gazed out over the ocean. It stretched on to the horizon. The beach wrapped around and stuck out, creating almost an inlet. The waves were tough, and Ashlyn knew that the current would tug strongly under the top layer of water.

Ashlyn froze as she saw something splashing in the water. She first saw hands flailing, then she caught a brief glance of a head. All was silent as the person disappeared, then the person bobbed up again and frantically gulped in air.

Ashlyn didn’t have to think a moment longer. This person was drowning! She had to save him! Ashlyn plunged into the water, her clothes still on. She fought through the breakers and soon reached a smoother part of the ocean, but by now, her feet were barely touching. Ashlyn took a deep breath and began swimming as fast as she could, the weight of her shorts tugging down at her waist. She didn’t care. She pushed onward.

Ashlyn reached the bobbing man, and she saw that he was bigger than she was. Luckily, the salt in the water would help him stay somewhat afloat as she pulled him to a safer depth. Ashlyn wrapped an arm around the man’s chest, seeing the surprise in his eyes as she grabbed on to him. She didn’t have time for formalities. She had to help this person. He might die if she left him out here.

He started fighting against her, but Ashlyn knew how to save a life. She steadily pulled him toward shore. She moved a lot slower with him in tow, but she finally made it to where she could safely stand and the current’s pull was not too strong.

The man started coughing. Ashlyn looked at him and wondered if she should pat his back or tell him to raise his arms, but as she moved toward him, he took a step away.

“Can you breathe?” she asked, ready to perform CPR if necessary.

The man nodded his head up and down. As Ashlyn watched him, she couldn’t believe it. Was he laughing? What was he laughing about? Ashlyn gently bobbed in the waves as she looked at this strange man who was laughing about a near-death experience.

“Do you need help making it to shore?” Ashlyn tried again, trying to help the man as much as possible. Maybe he was a lunatic as well. Maybe that was why he was in the middle of the ocean in the first place.

Finally, the man coughed up a little water, gave a final cough, and wiped at his mouth. “You sure are a strong thing for being so little,” he commented.

He had a southern accent, and Ashlyn smiled at the twang in his “thing.” “It’s really not hard to save someone, even if they’re bigger than you, but it would have been easier if you hadn’t been struggling so much. Couldn’t you tell I was trying to help you?”

The man threw back his head and laughed. Ashlyn was indignant. What was so funny, and why couldn’t she be included in the joke? “I didn’t need any saving, but I do appreciate the effort.”

“What do you mean you didn’t need any saving? You were flailing around like you were being tugged under!” Ashlyn set her face in a straight line to this character of a man.

“I was looking for a shell,” the man continued. “The best shells are found away from the beach where the tide has not turned them and broken them so much. I had my goggles, and I was diving down. I found a real beauty, but an undercurrent pulled me just then. I wasn’t able to grab onto the shell. I just sort of rolled it with my fingers. The current somehow managed to tear my goggles away. So, I was trying to get that shell and my goggles. That’s why I was bobbing up and down like a lost sea buoy.”

Ashlyn couldn’t help it. A smile slowly spread across her face, then she started to giggle. “I guess I shouldn’t wait around for a thank you, then. I just made you lose the location of your precious shell.”
