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Camilla made a fake gagging noise. “Lee, I really don’t want to hear that. I’m asking a simple question about food, you in or out?”

“Well, I mean that’s oversharing, don’t you think, Sis? But now that you mention it—“

Camilla groaned as she placed her hands over her ears. “Why did I even bother asking you two horn dogs anything? Anything I say at this point will only lead to further embarrassment on my end, and entirely too much laughing at my expense, so I’ll just get your usual with ranch dipping on the side.”

“That’s what she said,” they both yelled out.

Camilla glared at the door. “Oh, real mature, guys. Honestly.” She wheeled around and stalked back to the kitchen, an amused smile making its way to her lips.

She teased them about not being able to keep their hands off of each other a lot, but the truth was, she kind of wished she had that. The last few guys she had dated were more interested in getting to the finish line than the actual process.

She missed having someone who would not only touch every inch of her skin, but also every inch of her soul.

She picked up the phone and dialed the pizza place. She cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder as she hunted around for a bowl for the popcorn.

She poured the contents of the bag into the bowl and tossed the bag into the bin. She made the order and after a quick thank you, she hung up, grabbed her bowl of popcorn, and made her way back inside.

She hopped onto her bed as she un-paused the movie, and settled in.

She muttered under her breath as the doorbell rang a while later. She waited to see if they would get up and get it and sighed when the doorbell rang a third time. She shoved her feet into a pair of fluffy slippers and made her way towards the door. She grabbed her wallet and took out some money as she made her way down the hallway.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she called out as she finally reached the door. “So that’s 39.95$, right?” she asked as she swung the door open.

Only it wasn’t the pizza delivery man standing in front of her. It was an older man, distinguished looking with day old stubble on his face forming the beginnings of a beard and a mustache. He had on a suit, but the tie looked askew as it hung around his neck awkwardly. He had on a pair of loafers, and his brown hair was swept carelessly to the side.

His brown eyes sparkled with annoyance which turned into amusement as he regarded the blonde before him.

“Can I help you?” Camilla tightened the robe around her as she mentally calculated the route to the closest weapon.

“Well, I can think of a number of ways you can help me especially when you’re dressed like that though I don’t think any of them would do you justice.”

“Excuse me?” Her mouth hung slightly open as annoyance crossed her features.

“You heard me correctly.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he gazed at her. “My offer hasn’t changed just because you’re in denial.”

Camilla blinked at him. “Do you make a habit of ringing a random strangers’ house and then proceeding to hit on them?”

One corner of his mouth titled upward. “Not particularly, no. Although if it should yield results like tonight then I might have to try it more often.” His gaze penetrated hers, and it was like he could see beneath the very thin fabric of her robe, but instead of feeling like it was invasive, Camilla felt like she was on fire. Like he was lightly caressing her with his eyes.

“Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

One eyebrow shot up. “Not into men?”

Camilla choked back a laugh and began coughing before she glared at him. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I am in fact into men.”

She crossed her arms over her chest as she realized that he wasn’t a threat at least not physically. The worst he’d do is make her feel frisky.

Understanding dawned on his features. “You’re with someone then.”

Her mouth turned into a thin line. “My answer shouldn’t matter if I’m simply not interested.”

One corner of his mouth went up. “It matters simply because I make it a habit not to go after another man’s girlfriend, and as to the second part of your statement, you can try to pretend you aren’t interested, but your body language is telling me something else.”

One eyebrow went up. “Is that so?”

He nodded. “It is in fact. If you weren’t interested then you would’ve slammed the door in my face because I take it you are not in fact the kind of woman who lets random guys hit on her.”

“A fair assessment,” she conceded. “However, it still isn’t any of your business if I’m seeing someone.”
