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“Go ahead,” Pamela said. “I may just watch TV or something.”

Ashlyn gathered up her clothes and took a super-fast shower, mainly washing her hair. She was glad that the hotel room provided hair dryers, and she went to work in the bathroom. It took forever to dry her hair, but she was finally ready. She was wearing jeans, short heels that barely counted, and a red, skin-tight V-neck. She looked nice but not overly done.

Ashlyn’s stomach grumbled, and she smiled. At least she was going to get some delicious dinner out of it. It had been a long time since she had eaten lobster, and she loved it. A restaurant named the Red Lobster had to have Lobster, right?

“Where are you going?” Pamela asked.

The rule about not dating between contracted employees flashed through her head. She didn’t know if Javon counted and figured it would probably be better to keep it a secret if everyone didn’t already know yet.

“I’m treating myself to dinner. I think I deserve it after surviving my first day on the job.”

“Fine,” Pamela said. “But don’t wake me up when you come in. I am exhausted, and I’ll probably be in bed before eight.”

“Yeah, I’ll be quiet,” Ashlyn said, grabbing her purse and stuffing a few needed items in. She was tired too, and she envied Pamela being able to sleep so early.

Ashlyn didn’t have any sort of vehicle, but their hotel was in the middle of things. Maybe she should have asked Javon for a ride, but she hadn’t been thinking that far ahead when she made the plans. She didn’t even have his phone number to text him and ask him. Oh well, there had to be someone who was willing to at least give her directions.

Ashlyn stopped in a store near their hotel and asked after the restaurant. She was directed to keep going about four blocks. Ashlyn sighed but started her little walk. She was mostly hoping that she wouldn’t get sweaty on her way. That was the last thing she wanted: to show up at a date with her face read and her hair wisps clinging to her face.

Ashlyn saw the restaurant coming up on her left, and she slowed her pace, giving herself a few slow steps to catch her breath. She didn’t think she was out of shape, but walking in heels was not the easiest. Ashlyn walked up to the door cautiously and stepped inside. She felt out of her element as she entered the fancy restaurant’s doors. Javon was waiting just inside, and seeing him immediately calmed Ashlyn. She realized then that she felt comfortable with him.

“Wow,” Javon said. He took an exaggerated moment to look at her, and Ashlyn tried to make her look condescending. It didn’t really work well, because she ended up blushing. “I knew I struck gold when we made that bargain this afternoon.”

“Yes, and I hope you’ll fulfill your end of it,” Ashlyn replied, raising one of her eyebrows.

“I will,” Javon said. “And, I’ll also give you an amazing date.” Javon turned and motioned to the waiter. “Could you lead us to a table for two please?”

“Would you prefer our patio seating or a place inside?”

Javon turned to Ashlyn as though passing the question on to her. “A booth is fine.”

For some reason, she felt as though the patio might be beautiful and romantic. She didn’t want that. She just had to finish this date and keep herself from becoming too distracted with Javon. Then she could get back to her real love: cameras.

“Right this way,” the waiter led them to a table. Javon placed his hand lightly on Ashlyn’s right hip as they walked side by side to the table the waiter had chosen for them. “Your server will be right with you,” he said.

Javon pulled Ashlyn’s chair back and indicated for her to sit. Her heart started beating hard as she dropped her eyes and took the chair. Javon was such a gentleman. She never would have guessed it from his behavior earlier today. Then, Ashlyn’s stomach clenched up. Maybe he was just trying to get inside her pants. The thought made her feel a little sick. Was that the whole reason he had asked her out?

Ashlyn looked up at Javon from under her eyelids, trying to think of what to say. Before she had time to think, their menus were laid before them. She quickly buried herself in the menu’s details, another thought running through her mind.

She was almost flattered that Javon might be interested in sleeping with her. Was she so attractive that she turned him on? Ashlyn slowly licked her lips and set her menu down on the table. She would find out from their conversation his reasoning for making this bargain.

“Do you know what you want?” Javon asked.

Ashlyn shrugged. “Lobster,” she smiled. “Am I supposed to order something else?”

“How much do you want? There’s an all-you-eat claw special, or you can order an amount. Are you hungry?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty hungry,” Ashlyn said, looking back at the menu. She looked up and watched Javon study the menu. When he caught her watching him, he smiled. Ashlyn’s heart started thumping hard, and she nervously licked her lips.

“Great, maybe the all-you-can-eat is a good deal.”

Ashlyn was about to protest, but Javon was already waving the waitress over. He quickly put in two orders of the same, and they put in their drink orders as well. Their menus were taken away, and they were left in silence.

“Where do you come from?” Javon asked.

“I’m originally from Wisconsin,” Ashlyn said, referring back to her childhood days. “But when I finished high school, I moved to California. That’s where all the hopeful camerawomen live.”

“Well, it seems like you’ve been successful so far,” Javon said.
