Page 43 of Bossy Billionaire

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All the time she thought to herself. “Sometimes,” she offered as she watched him move closer.

“I think about it a lot, I usually don’t sleep with the same woman twice, but you-” He dropped his voice and leaned in, so his face was right in front of hers. “You I’d make an exception for.”

“Um, well I-” He brought a finger up to her lips. “Shh,” he said as he began to trace her lower lip. “Don’t over think it, just say yes.”

“I don’t think I should,” she forced out as she tried to keep her senses about her.

“Why not?” He took her hand and began to kiss it gently, making his way up her arm causing her breathing to become labored.

“Because we want different things.”

Mark shrugged as he began to nibble on her neck. “For one night, we don’t have to.”

“I, don’t-oh,” her eyelids fluttered closed as he began to nibble on her ear causing her to grip the arm rest tighter.

“Try saying yes,” he murmured into her ear as he began kissing the very sensitive vein in her neck. Jenny shuddered helplessly as her mind began to scramble to remind her why she shouldn’t indulge.

Her hands came up to wrap themselves around his neck, completely of their own accord, and her traitorous body began to respond to his touch as she waged her inner battle.

“I never did forget the color of your hair,” he murmured as he twirled a lose strand between his thumb and forefinger. “The color of a fading sunset.”

Jenny had always hated her hair, but somehow he made her feel like it was glorious. One hand began to make idle patterns on her neck while the other rested on the small of her back doing the same.

One of her hands ventured down over the slope of his back and rested just above his hips. Her fingers hovered over the edge of his shirt before they snaked their way underneath.

He shuddered at her touch before capturing his lips with hers. She quietly moaned in the back of her throat as he gently kicked her legs open and stood in between them. She pushed herself closer as she felt that fire that had consumed her 5 years ago begin to rage once more.

“Mark,” she whimpered, as she clutched a fistful of his shirt when he began an assault on her breasts. Suddenly her eyes snapped open, and she pushed him off.

Mark stumbled back in surprise and eyed her warily. “Did I do something wrong?”

Jenny ran her hands through her hair as she tried to reel her hormones back in. “No, you didn’t, but listen. There’s something I have to tell you.”

Mark nodded for her to continue.

“The truth is that night you and I slept together 5 years ago, something happened, something you don’t know anything about, mostly because I didn’t know your name back then, and when I did find out who you were, I saw what kind of life you led, and I figured you wouldn’t want to know.”

“I don’t understand.”

Jenny gave him a sad smile. “No, of course you wouldn’t. I suppose it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense when you put it like that. The truth is nine months after we slept together, I gave birth.”

Mark reeled back as if he’d been slapped, his face turned white as he balled his hands into fists. “You what?”

“I gave birth,” she repeated. She eyed him carefully as she wondered if he was going to have some sort of panic attack. Mark plopped down onto the floor and stared up at her in a daze. “You gave birth,” he repeated as if he couldn’t quite believe his ears.

“To a beautiful baby boy. He’s amazing, Mark, and I wished you could meet him. Be a part of his life, but I never did find out your last name, and I didn’t have much to go on, so I raised him on my own until I saw you on TV a few months ago, I wasn’t sure, but once you came here, I knew it was you.”

Mark grew even paler. “Are you sure he’s mine?” he finally asked.

“Yes, he looks exactly like you.” Jenny gestured to the picture on her desk. Mark looked at it, studying it intently for a minute or two. “What’s his name?”

“His name is Noah.”

Mark stood up abruptly and began pacing the room. He’d stop every so often to stare at Jenny looking like he wanted to say something before he’d stop and begin the cycle all over again.

Finally, he opened the door. “I need to get out of here,” he mumbled as the door slammed shut behind him.

Jenny stared at the door in dismay wondering what on earth had possessed her to tell him at a moment like this. She should’ve planned it better, but now he was gone, and it was probably too late.
