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“She’s in her room playing, I’m heading out for a while. I’ll see you later, El.” Rachel said as she grabbed her jacket and keys.

“Rache, this is Keith.”

Rachel gave him a tight smile. “I’m Liesel’s roommate and Elsa’s godmother, if you hurt either of them, I’ll hunt you down and kill you.”

Keith laughed nervously as he gave her a weak smile. “I’ll try not to.”

“She’s kind of scary.” Keith mumbled and Liesel laughed as they made their way up the stairs.

Liesel introduced Keith to Elsa as her friend, and she watched as they played together noting that Keith was a natural born father. He was completely at ease and knew exactly what to do.

They put Elsa to bed a while later, and as they stood outside the hallway in front of her room, Liesel decided to throw caution to the wind, and she kissed him.

“I thought you wanted to think about it,” Keith mumbled as he pushed her backwards into the room.

“I’ll think more, later.” She bit his bottom lip and smiled as he groaned in response. He took off his shirt and helped her out of hers as he pushed her up against the wall. He held her wrists on top of her head and began to kiss her neck reverently.

Liesel moaned as she tangled her fingers through his hair and angled her neck, so he’d have better access. She began to fumble with the zipper on his jeans till she finally managed to shuck them off, and he kicked them off as he helped her do the same with her skirt.

He lifted her up, so she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he began to grind against her. They both moaned as their kissing grew more passionate, their tongues battling for dominance.

Keith reached a hand down and snuck it underneath her panties. Liesel’s breath hitched in her throat as she whimpered, and her hips began to buck against his hands.

He found her bundle of nerves and began to stroke until he had her panting and clawing his back begging for release. He took his hands out and pushed her underwear down. He reached into his jean pocket and pulled out a condom and placed it on while Liesel undid her bra.

He kicked off his boxers and positioned himself, so that he would enter her in one swift thrust. He kneaded her breasts, kissed them and sucked on them as he began to move against her, slowly at first then faster and faster until they were both shouting in pure ecstasy.

They collapsed onto the bed together a while later as they began to quietly talk of a better future together as a family.

