Page 18 of Kenton's Courage

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He was taking the confused game very seriously, so I just kept going. If it made him happy to have everything spelled out very simply, then that was what we would do…because making him happy with silly things would hopefully make me happy with naughty things later.

“Wonderful.” What had I been going to say? “So, yes, treats and feeding. Those are special things between a Handler and their pup. I know you’d be horrified if I let another Dom or Handler feed me chicken nuggets or something like that. I’d never do that to you.”

Master blinked a few times before his nodding started again. “Yes, that would be shocking.”

What else?

“I’m sure it’s self-explanatory that you wouldn’t bathe or groom another pup.” That was so obvious I didn’t need to mention it, but I did since it was important to list out all the silly things that a bad Dom could do. “Oh, and holding another pup’s leash when they’re attached to it…well, you know how bad that would be.”

“Agreed.” Nodding again, Master seemed happier for some reason. “I’m going to need for us to make a limits list with all these things on there, though. Having everything in writing would make it easier for me to make sure we’re on the same page.”


“Limits and lists are very important.” I should’ve already thought of that. “I’ll start working on it. I’d thought they were so obvious we didn’t need to write it down but I guess it’s like putting stoplight color safewords on the list as well. They’re easy to remember but we do it anyway.”

How had I not realized that before?

“Yes.” Master was back to looking bright and shiny happy…and that was the face a pup who was looking for an orgasm wanted to see. “It’s obvious but we do it anyway.”

“And I’ll do it very quickly if you were serious about the being my Handler at a shoot thing?” I wasn’t sure if that’d been a maybe kind of thing or if he thought that was something he could do without getting all weird about it. “I know a lot of Doms don’t like seeing their subs doing that kind of stuff.”

I wasn’t sure why but it was a thing.

“Some of the guys who do lingerie have boyfriends or girlfriends who really don’t like it and they pretend it’s not happening.” That was ridiculous because who wouldn’t want to see their partner all sexy and having fun, but there was no understanding some people’s limits. “I will respect your limits even if I don’t understand them.”

Master’s smile said he thought I was an adorable little level of cute but I wasn’t sure what made him so happy. “I appreciate that and I will do my best to make sure I’m clear about my limits and how I’m feeling.”

“That would be very helpful for us in the long run.” Sometimes people were confusing and I was hoping Master wouldn’t be one of those types of people. “But for now, do you think you’d like to be my Handler like that?”

His smirk said he was thinking positive things.


“As long as we’re both agreeing that you’re my pup and my sub and we’re exclusive.” Master frowned and looked so cute I had to remind myself that smiling might confuse him. “Our definition of exclusive is still under construction, but to start, that means we’re not dating other people, we’re not having scenes with other people, and we talk about when you’ll be around other Handlers who are helping you in a photo shoot.”

Nodding, probably to himself, he leaned back in his seat and raised one eyebrow, looking very proud. “How does that sound?”

Like I had a Handler.


“I think that sounds wonderful, Master.” He was so cute I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “And I think that sounds like we’re going to have a wonderful evening.”

Master laughed. “You say that so innocently but you really mean very naughty things.”

“I can’t help it.” I shrugged, not bothering to deny it. “My friend Ian said it’s because I have good manners and I’m cute. Evidently, that means innocent to most people.”

Most people weren’t that smart.

“I tried being rude but people kept asking me if I was sick.” It’d been weird. “So I don’t do that anymore. It was unnatural.”

Master was definitely trying not to laugh, but I kind of understood how strange it was. After a moment, he shook his head. “You should just be yourself, but I think making sure I understand when you’re actually confused and when you’re just looking cute and trying to manipulate me would be a good idea.”

“Oh, but then I couldn’t try to manipulate you.” That wouldn’t work at all. “How about I just promise to be very understanding if there’s a miscommunication?”

I thought that was very fair but Master laughed so hard he almost fell out of his chair. It took him a couple of seconds to get control of himself, but he managed not to fall or spill his forkful of yummy goodness. “Alright, I’ll take that deal.”

I definitely wasn’t going to complain about the laughing if it meant he agreed with me. “Thank you, Master.”

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