Page 22 of Kenton's Courage

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Repeating similar phrases over and over as I put his kneepads on my wiggly pup, I started to worry when all that was left was his tail. I knew he wanted his inside one, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get his tail in without hurting him.

He was so wiggly.

There was a frantic excitement in his eyes and I knew he was nowhere near ready to wind down on his own. So I kept my voice stern and patted the floor in front of him. “Down. All the way, pup. Good boy.”

It took him a second to drop down all the way so he was resting on his limbs with his ass offered up perfectly. “Yes, stay.”

Running one hand down his back, I kept a slow, steady rhythm as I reached into his gear bag to grab the lube. His entire body tensed as he saw it come out and I almost laughed. Tension would not help me get that tail in him, so a distraction was in order.

I tapped my hand right over his hole and kept my voice low. “Relax. Open, pup.”

It was a common order I’d heard at the club in DC I’d gone to for a long time, so I was glad to see it was obvious or that he was familiar with it. Making small circles around his hole with the pad of my index finger, I made pleased sounds as he relaxed the tight ring of muscles. “Good boy, pup.”

I wasn’t going to underestimate the effort it was taking him, so I quickly lubed up my fingers and the plug end of the tail. “Such a good pup. I can’t wait to give you a reward for being so good.”

Sliding one finger into him got a desperate whine from my pup, but he fought to keep his shaking to a minimum and pushed out to make stretching him easier. “Yes, that’s right. I’m so proud of you.”

And I was very glad I wasn’t having to wrestle him to the ground. Just because he wanted his tail and to play didn’t mean that his pup side would make it easy.

That didn’t mean I was going to take my time, though.

I stayed well away from his prostate and focused on petting him and stretching him, adding a second finger as soon as it felt right. “My sweet pup.”

Trying to be as subtle as possible, I reached for the tail and did my best to slip my fingers out and the tail in before he could start to wiggle or clench. Pressing it against his opening, I beat the wiggles, but he arched and moaned as the toy eased into him, clenching around it to get as much pleasure as he could.

Almost had it.

Since I was pretty sure a spanking would be a reward, I ran my thumb around his entrance and teased the muscles to get them to relax. “Don’t you want to play and hump, pup?”

Oh, he liked that.

Giving me a quiet yip, he wiggled his bottom and the plug slipped in another inch before the whimpers and clenching started again. “That’s right. Once you’re all set, I’m going to throw the ball for you and you can wag all you want. I can’t wait to see how happy you get, pup.”

That was a ridiculous understatement, but it got the rest of the plug in and he somehow managed not to come as he started to wag his tail. “Oh, you’ve got such a pretty tail, pup.”

The tail part was splashed with colors like it’d been splatter painted and it was perfectly Kenton with the colors almost whirling together as he wagged it back and forth. It was going ninety miles an hour, but he stayed still, waiting for permission to run as he whined and shivered.

“Good boy. You’ve been so patient.” Giving one cheek a pat, I moved my hands back to my lap. “Head up. Look. Good boy.”

When he was looking at me with desperation and something that felt like joy shining from his gaze, I smiled. “Should we play?”

That got me an enthusiastic bark and he bounced up on all fours, doing a tight circle and wagging as fast as he could. I just laughed and grabbed his ball out of his bag before rolling it across the floor of the living room.

I’d move some furniture around later to make sure we had the best running track possible, but for the time being, Kenton didn’t seem to care as he raced around side tables to catch his toy. “You’re so fast, pup.”

Both running and wagging.

His cock was swinging too, but it was too hard and too heavy to go as fast as the rest of him. Without the low-swinging tail under him, he would’ve looked innocent and happy, but the naked hard-on gave the scene a very grown-up happiness that I loved.

I’d dated subs all over the spectrum when it came to kinks and the innocent-to-sexy scale in general, but I loved the mix that Kenton radiated. There was something about the combination of sweet submissive and naughty pup that just did it for me.

So whatever he’d been worried about, I couldn’t see any issues.

If I had a naughty pup who wanted to have fun playing, I didn’t have an issue with that. We just needed to make sure we had our limits down pat and we both understood what we were comfortable with.

For whatever reason, he didn’t seem to think that was an easy goal, though.

I had a feeling he’d met a few too many Handlers and Doms who didn’t share in the same ways Kenton wanted to explore. I wasn’t sure if that was because he hadn’t explained his orgasms versus treats limits examples or if he’d met the wrong people…but I was definitely the right person in this case.

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