Page 29 of Kenton's Courage

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Forcing one eye open, I saw Kenton perched on the edge of the bed, watching me curiously. “Good morning.”

That was more of an automatic thing than a deliberate sentence, but I wasn’t enough of a morning person to figure out what was going on yet. When my eyes closed again and I wondered if I could go back to the dream I’d been having about Kenton, he sighed.


“Does that mean I can stay?”


My brain finally woke up enough to realize something was wrong and it hit me.

Kenton thought he wouldn’t be welcome anymore.

Some guys were assholes.

Reaching out blindly, I caught my boy and pulled him so he was draped over me. His giggles said he was finally starting to realize that there was nothing to worry about. “Good morning, Master.”

I managed a grunt but I snuggled him close to make up for the lack of words.

“This seems to mean I’m staying.” He seemed pleased with that, so I didn’t worry about letting sleep overtake me again.

The next time I woke up it was to Kenton humming to himself as he played on his phone. I was pretty sure he was humming the jingle from a commercial I’d been hearing on the radio lately, and I was pretty sure that was what had confused my brain enough to wake me up.

“I dreamed about you.” My sentence was probably random, but it made Kenton giggle and he threw himself on top of me again.

Grinning ear to ear, he wiggled excitedly. “You did?”

Since he seemed to find that fascinating, I kissed his head and nodded. “You were your pup self and you were running around the backyard. I had this long crop-looking thing with a big…that flappy bit at the end.”

Frowning, I gave up trying to remember the word after a few seconds. “Never mind what it’s called. It was big and soft and every time I got close to you, I’d spank you with it. I got your nipples and your ass and you were just wagging your tail.”

Kenton’s laughter was on the naughtier side of things that time. “I bet I liked that.”

“I got your cock and that was all it took to make you come like a fountain all over the grass.” The rest of the dream was broken up oddly in my head, and I remembered something about him chasing a butterfly but that really didn’t matter. “Good morning.”

Yes, he was here and there was something odd about that…

“You were worried.” Shit. “I wasn’t awake. I’m sorry I didn’t understand what you were upset about.”

Kenton smiled sweetly and kissed my cheek. “It’s okay. You pulled me close and snuggled me and told me to go back to sleep, that you’d be sweet to me later.”


He laughed again. “No, don’t make that face. You were very cute and you made sure I knew you wanted me around. You made it very clear I wasn’t supposed to go anywhere and it took forever to wiggle out from under you.”


“Should I apologize for that? I should’ve told you what a sound sleeper I am.” And he should’ve told me that he wasn’t one. “What time did you get up?”

“Well, I rolled over and realized I had to pee and then my brain started to worry and then you fixed it and then I just couldn’t get back to sleep.” His careful way of answering without actually answering said it’d been way too early.

“What have you been doing?” Since he wasn’t going to give me a direct response, I tried again another way.

He wiggled excitedly and gave me a quick peck, probably happy to have distracted me. “I read a few chapters in a dirty online story that’s really fun, and I did my homework. It was stupid, but I did it. Oh, and I wrote up my blog post that I was going to do this weekend.”

On his phone?

Yep, he’d been up way too long.
