Page 42 of Kenton's Courage

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By fucking me hard.

I couldn’t wait and he was so sweet for being so romantic.

“Thank you, Master.” Kissing his cheek, I hopped up on the bed and wrapped my legs around him before he could escape. “Got you.”

He laughed but wrapped his arms around me, pinning me against his chest. “Hmm, who’s got whom?”


He was such a Daddy but I was very glad he was a naughty one.

“You caught me. What are you going to do to me?” Smiling, I pretended to think about it. “You could spank me? Oh, or you could tickle me?”

He liked both of those options. I could see the mischievous spark in his eyes and I had a feeling he liked the idea of tickling me into submission. Master liked control and that seemed like a fun power fantasy I thought he’d like.

“Those are very interesting ideas.” He was trying to be subtle but he’d forgotten he was naked. His cock thought it was a very interesting idea and had decided to wave hello to make sure I knew that. “I think you have extensive limits lists, so I’ll make sure I read up on them.”

Yes, he could read all about every little thing I loved so he could give it to me.

Best Master ever.

“You’re so smart, Master.” Kissing his cheek, I tightened my legs to squish us together so his cock could get lots of happy attention. “Thank you for reading up on my limits.”

I could’ve told him that I’d checked yes to the tickling thing, but he was careful, and I knew he’d want to have discussions before he surprised me with something like that. Besides, when he was looking at that part, he might find something else fun to explore.

“But you know, Master.” Kissing his nose, I tried to look cute enough that I wouldn’t spook him. “I can’t wait until we’ve been together long enough that you don’t worry about giving me naughty surprises and unexpected scenes, but I understand we’re not at that point yet.”

Master chuckled, but he nodded. “Me too, pup, but for the time being, I want to make sure I understand your limits and what you like in…in let’s call them more interesting scenes.”

The conversation called for another cheek kiss, so I gave him one and rested my head on his shoulder to make sure he knew how special he was. “Because I’m important to you.”

“You are.” Master had a smile in his voice as he hugged me tighter. “But just because I’m very curious, how long do you think it will take me to get there?”

Oh, he wasn’t going to like that answer, but I knew I shouldn’t lie.

“Years, Master. You’re kind of stubborn, but I’m very patient.” And I was going to be able to out-stubborn him, but I didn’t think I had to mention that part. “You love me so much that you’re not going to be careless with me.”

Master made a happy, almost laughing sound and nodded against my head. “How did you get to be so smart?”

“Dealing with crazy people at work makes you smarter. Eli said so. Oh, and I’ve taken lots of college courses, Master.” So I had practical and theoretical knowledge.

He was very lucky I was so smart.

Chapter 13


College courses and crazy people.

He was so cute I wasn’t sure there were words to describe him, but he wasn’t wrong. “You’re right. I love you too much to be careless.”

Giving him another kiss, I pushed back the fantasy of tickling him into submission and told myself we’d come back to that later. Kenton didn’t seem to mind, though. He was wonderfully enthusiastic as he kissed me back, clinging to me like a monkey instead of a pup.

When I finally released his lips, not letting him move back at all, I leaned my forehead against his. “While we both seem to understand I’m going to be cautious about some things, you don’t have to worry about tonight.”

His smile flashed between naughty and sweet. “I don’t?”

“No, pup.” Giving him a tender peck just to keep him wondering about what I would do, I tried to look as innocent as he did. “I’m going to fuck you into next week and I won’t worry about it at all.”

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