Page 63 of Reject Omega

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“I knew you were a demon! The spawn of Satan from the moment you were brought into this world!” My grandmother’s screeching voice drowned out the slurping and hissing from the feral demons feeding from me. This time she was here, frantically waving her thin arms at me as she watched the creatures devour my emotions like their last meal.

As long as they didn’t devour me, I could make it through this. I would.

“Let me go! She’s not here, she’s not real!” I shouted until my throat was hoarse.

“She is. Your grandmother knew of our kind, knew what you were capable of,” the demon on my chest corrected me. “Too bad exorcisms don’t actually work!”

All three cackled at his words, and despite knowing it couldn’t possibly be true, that seed of doubt was planted.

Hel did say I was chosen by her... it could be true.

Each flicker of doubt, worry, and defeat fed them until there was no energy left to think or fight them.

As I drifted out, I weakly called for Monty, Drake, Roman, and Hiro. Anyone that would listen.

But no one came.

Days had passed in solitary. My days and nights were filled with a trail of demons, one after the other, pushing me to my limits.

Even in my sleep I couldn’t escape them as they created nightmares that would haunt me for years to come.

All I knew was fear, pain, need, lust, heat, and desolation.

Once again, my body didn’t feel like my own, it was being used to feed an army of demons and, somehow, their commander once again couldn’t save me.

Or wouldn’t.

Even though I knew from the sigil Vane showed me on my door that he couldn’t find me, it was hard to shake the awful feeling of abandonment.

One man, even one who dealt with demons, shouldn’t have the power he did.

Vane hadn’t shown his face, but I was never truly alone. I had crippling depression and hallucinations that were nonstop to keep me company.

My whole body ached, and I barely moved from my bed.

The food they brought once a day was untouched so far, and I wasn’t even hungry, the heat made sure of that.

I felt empty. Hollow. Like they’d taken pieces of me I couldn’t get back.

My eyes drifted to the corner and locked onto my current stalker. The shadowy figure took up the entire space from floor to ceiling.

I couldn’t make out much except clawed hands that poked out from under his robes, even his face wasn’t visible.

Yet I could feel him watching me, waiting for something.

He’d get nothing from me. I felt like a shell of a person, my emotions officially as tapped out as my body. My heat was waning and he was left with the final dregs of it, nothing in comparison to what they’d feasted on so far.

It felt as if I were watching myself from the outside, not able to control my body at all. The rare moments I tried to shift or move, my limbs felt heavy like they were filled with lead.

He couldn’t keep me here forever, right?

Hiro and Drake stood across the room, screaming down at me. Hiro’s soft features were gone, and his beautiful face was contorted in rage as he threw every barb he had at me.

“You’re useless, you can’t even move right now. You know we never actually liked you, right?”

The cruel laugh that fell from his lips was wrong. Hiro wouldn’t laugh at me like that, would he?

“I only fucked you because it was an easy fuck,” Drake added in. “What a lousy lay, too. I’m used to much prettier and curvier women. I had to picture someone else just so I could get it up.”
