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“And you’re both coming to dinner at my place tonight.”

Finley gets up and puts her plate in the dishwasher.

“Did you make a lunch?” I ask her. She pulls a wrinkled, reused brown bag out of the fridge and holds it up.

“And your homework?”

“Come on, sis. I’m a senior in high school. I don’t need you reminding me not to forget my homework.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Is it in your backpack?”

She frowns and wrinkles her nose, then disappears back into her bedroom. I’m ninety percent sure she left her homework on her desk, even if she did it already.

Midas rises from his seat across from me, comes over, and kisses my head. “I’m sorry, but I need to leave, too.”

“Oh.” I’m more surprised by that than by him eating a cordial breakfast with my sister. Before, he was so adamant about spending every second of the week with me. “Is this about last night?”

“Yes.” He sighs and rubs my neck. “Pack a bag. You’re staying the night with me, and I’ll tell you all about it then.”

“Can I… just come with you now?” I only have Charlie again today, and he’s easy enough to bring with me anywhere.

Midas gives me a once over and frowns. “It wouldn’t be safe.” He bends, pressing his mouth against my ear, and adds, “Not in your current state.”

Worry gnaws at my stomach as my teeth gnaw on my lip. “Will you be okay?”

“If you’re asking whether I’ll show up to our dinner as bloody as last night, you don’t need to worry.” He kisses my head again before taking his plate and mug to the sink. His answer wasn’t exactly reassuring, so I follow him, blocking his path to the door.

I cross my arms over my chest. “You’re going to tell me right now what this is about. I’m not going to sit here twiddling my thumbs and worrying all day.”

He opens his mouth to answer, but then his gaze moves over my shoulder, and I know my sister is right behind me.

Finley throws her arms around me in a surprise sideways hug. “Be safe,” she whispers.

“Be good,” I say back. “Learn something new and be nice to the other kids.”

She laughs, gives me a salute, and mockingly says, “Yes, mom,” before heading out the door.

Once it’s shut, Midas crosses the kitchen to stand in front of me. “The attack last night happened because the Silver Horde found out about the challenge.”

I’m surprised he didn’t put up more of a fight before telling me. With as domineering as he can be in the bedroom, I keep expecting him to be the kind of man who keeps things close to the chest and thinks he can handle everything on his own. But he keeps proving me wrong.

This is what his phone call was about yesterday afternoon. I’d put good money on his brother being the one to spread the word. He probably thought an attack would get him the revenge he wants, with or without challenging his brother.

“They retreated,” he continues. “But there were injuries on both sides. Mine weren’t the worst.” He clasps my shoulders and holds me out so he can look me in the eye. “Today, the Kings of both courts will meet together to discuss the broken treaty. I can’t guarantee that nothing will happen, but it would be incredibly foolish for either of us to strike in one of the goddess’s temples.”

“Okay.” I try to keep control of my anxiety, but it keeps leaking out of my grasp.

Midas backs me against the fridge. “Let me give you something else to think about today.” He bites my chin. “After dinner tonight, you’re going to be my dessert. You’re going to sit on my face and drown me with your cunt. Scream my name so the whole world knows you’re mine. And when you come, you’re going to beg to never leave my side. By tomorrow morning, you’ll be moving in.”

My chest heaves against his. He drops to his knees, undoes my robe, and gives me one long punishing lick before walking out the door, leaving me panting in the kitchen, unable to do anything but sink to my knees.

Chapter 20

The day drags on in a mix of anxious worry and overpowering lust. I try to clean the apartment, go to the grocery store, take Charlie for a walk, but all I can think about is Midas. Is he alright? I should have told him to call when his meeting ended, so I’d know he’s okay.

As soon as Finley gets home from school, I tell her to change out of her uniform and grab her swim suit. There’s an indoor pool and jacuzzi at Midas’s condo, and I figure he won’t mind us using it. I need to burn off some energy, and Finley loves to swim.

He left a key to his place on my nightstand and Lennox’s phone number, along with a note to call whenever we were ready to come over for dinner. He might not be back from his meeting yet, but I’d rather wait for him there than hang around here pacing. I want to be there to greet him when he gets home.
