Page 119 of Teach Me

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“Give me a few more minutes to cuddle,” she whispered.

I set the remote down, abandoning the idea of relaxing in front of the boob tube with her.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about school. How are things doing?”

She gave me a wan smile.

“Are you asking as my boyfriend, or my professor?”

I wrinkled my nose, then admitted, “Both.”

She chuckled and leaned further in, getting comfy.

“I’m alright. There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. I’ve been putting off my own writing in favor of work and homework.”

“You haven’t been working on your book?”

She shook her head.

“No, I’m still just on page eighty-nine. With as much inspiration as you’ve given me, It’s been hard to find the time to actually sit down and write.”

I understood that. With how much time I’d spent with Mia lately, I hadn’t had much time to write, either. I only utilized the evenings she was at her dorm to get the words down.

“How can I help you?” I asked her. “What do you need?”

Mia gave a wan smile.

“I need at least thirty hours every day. Can you give me that?”

I snorted.

“If I was a magic genie, then sure. Your wish is my command.”

“Fiiiine. What’re you working on, then?”

“A sci-fi harem novel,” I admitted, totally serious.

Her eyes widened, then she burst into laughter.

“Are you kidding me?” she barked out. “A harem?”

“Why not?” I countered. “You gave me inspiration to do it. You and your four book boyfriends.”

Her eyebrows raised.

“Are you saying there’s…sex in your book?”

The grin I gave her couldn’t have been more salacious if I tried.

“Like I said. Inspiration.”

“Oh God. I need it. I want the manuscript right now.”

Throwing my head back, I laughed at her.

“Are they aliens?” she asked, wiggling out from underneath me to crawl into my lap. “Oh! Please tell me he has more than one cock!”

Fuck it, I loved when she talked dirty. Getting her to curse outside the throws of sex was pretty much impossible. Who knew all I had to do was talk about sex in a book to get her to say things like cock?
