Page 121 of Teach Me

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“If you want to try it…”

Those surprised eyes widened somehow even more, then she finally blinked and began to slowly nod.

“That scares me,” she whispered. “But if I ever trusted anyone to do…that…it would be you.”

Lifting a brow, I sent her a silent question. She just nodded again.

So, I moved my fingers back along the line between her cheeks and she closed her eyes, lips parting with a sharp inhale.

My finger found the puckered little spot they were aiming for and she gasped again, jerking at the odd sensation.

“If you want me to stop…” I started, but she shook her head.

“No, keep going,” she begged.

I bypassed that little bud and scooped some of her arousal that was coating the both of us, even though she wasn’t really riding anymore so much as spasming around me. Taking her honey on my fingertips, I dragged back up toward that puckered hole and rimmed it in her arousal for a long moment. Mia’s lips quivered and she took in a shaky breath.

“That feels…” she began, but then I slowly inserted my middle finger to the first knuckle, and she cried out, arching her back as her muscles tensed.

“Breathe,” I reminded her, dragging a kiss across her panting mouth, breathing in her air as she obeyed.

Knowing she was all but boneless with pleasure, I gripped her hip and thrust up into her as she whimpered, all the while twisting my finger around inside her as I went.

Several thrusts later, she seemed to gain her rhythm again and started to move on top of me, gripping my head to her chest as she rode me. I took advantage and pressed open mouth kisses across her flesh, dragging my tongue over those pert, dark nipples. Fuck, she was glorious.

It didn’t take long before she was fisting my hair and crying out again, coming all over my cock. I could feel the pulses of her orgasm over my cock, but that puckered asshole of hers squeezed against my finger, trying to milk me for all I was worth.

She could handle another cock there, I was sure of it. And judging by the way she screamed, she would want to try this again. Soon.

The squeezing and pulsing around my dick had me careening into the abyss after her. When we could finally breathe normally again, I popped my finger back out and she hiccupped a gasp again before dropping boneless against my chest.

“Wow,” she moaned eventually, her fingers dipping beneath the collar of my t-shirt.

“So?” I chuckled. “How did you like it?”

She drew back enough to give me the best fucking you’re-an-idiot I’d even seen.

I just laughed and placed a kiss on her frowning lips.

“Maybe next time we should get a dildo and see how you like that.”

“How would you do that?” she questioned, looking really fucking curious to hear my answer.

“You’re just going to have to wait and find out,” I whispered.

Chapter 24


I was so freaking nervous. Finals were over and Thanksgiving was only a few days away. I’d been putting off telling my parents about Owen, but now was the time. And I had to tell them before the holiday, because springing him on them wouldn't have been fair to anyone.

Owen had the boys for the weekend, so I decided to spend that time before the holiday at home, telling my parents that I was dating a man the same age as they were.

Oh God…

I was doing the whole sitting in front of their house thing again when Mom saw me. Again. She waved me in through the front window and I slapped my forehead, then dragged in my overnight backpack.

“Honey, why are you sitting there in the car?” Mom asked once I stepped in the door.
