Page 164 of Teach Me

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I never knew how hard it was to have a silent orgasm until the kids asked why I was crying almost every night after we’d gotten married.

Yeah, talk about embarrassing.

Owen’s hand plopped onto my knee, teasing the edge of my skirt.

God, the man knew every one of my switches to get me going instantly. Just wrong time, wrong place.

“Tonight,” I promised, pressing my hand on top of his to still it.

He whined, but finally sat up and pressed his elbows onto his thighs, hands gripped.

“It sucks being a grown up,” he said, not for the first time.

I just agreed, then rested my head on his shoulder as we waited for the last kid to go across the stage, then we were free.


I slipped out of bed, leaving my sexy as hell wife naked and satisfied while I hurried to the big wingback chair on the other side of the room where we kept a notebook, pen, and lamp for those late night inspiration moments.

Hell, I still could hardly believe that she was mine. Even when she’d first said she loved me, then the proper southern wedding where I’d had to admit my carnal sin to Mia’s parents’ pastor. It had all been worth it, because Mia was worth it. She was worth fucking evrything.

Putting pen to paper, I outlined the plot that had invaded my dream and dumped it all there so I wouldn’t forget come morning.

More than an hour later, I put the notebook down and looked over at my wife. So beautiful.

Two kids later and her figure, though filled out and softer now, was still banging hot. I was one lucky son of a bitch, and I couldn’t imagine my life without her. She’d been an incredible mother, and an incredible partner. She understood me in a way that nobody else could, even when I’d told her I was done teaching and wanted to do writing full time.

It had been hard to give up teaching.

Between my increasingly demanding career with writing, plus the kids and Mia’s own writing career, there just wasn’t fucking time to do it all. So, not making the same mistake twice, I gave up teaching so that I could be there for my children and my wife. When Paula had found out, she’d given me a high-five.

Oddly enough, we were still on good terms with my ex-wife. Even after she got remarried to a man five years older than me. Yeah, things with the young buck didn’t work out for her long term. The kids liked him though, and I guess she did too, which was the only important thing, so I didn’t really care one way or the other,

“You coming to bed?” Mia mumbled from the bed, peeking over the covers to see me sitting butt naked in the chair.

I grinned and got up, going to join her.

Her ass was going to hurt for a couple days, but holy shit she’d come so hard, more than once. I could still smell the sex lingering in the air more than three hours later.

“Just had to get a few things down,” I whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Go back to sleep.”

I couldn’t tell you how many times I’d seen her in the same seat in the middle of the night, though she only sat there dressed, the bare minimum being those sexy as fuck panties. I didn't mind the feeling of the velvet against my ass and balls. But that was also why she insisted on steam cleaning the thing at least once a week, though. Well, that and we liked to fuck in it, too.

Slipping down into the covers, I curled my arm around her and stuck the other beside hers under the pillow her head was resting on.

“I love you with all my heart,” I told her, kissing her head again. “More every single day.”

She hummed, half asleep and delirious.

I always knew I did a good job satisfying her when she was too tired to say she loved me back.

Snuggling my face into her hair, I breathed in the floral and vanilla sweet scent of my wife. Life couldn’t have been any better, and I couldn’t have been more happy than I was.

I looked forward to sharing every single step of the future with her, laughing and crying and letting go as our kids left the nest one by one.

Most of all, I looked so fucking forward to growing old with this woman. She kept me young, and I intended to keep her so happy she wouldn’t even consider leaving me for some young Brad Pitt type. Though they’d probably be happy to take her away.

Nope, this one was all mine, and I had zero plans of ever letting her go.


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