Page 20 of Teach Me

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I pulled up, and Mia opened the car door, letting herself out.

“You ok getting back up?” I asked, watching her fumble a little with her backpack.

“Oh, I’m fine,” she promised. “Don’t worry.”

“Text me when you get up, ok?” I asked, knowing that I couldn’t bring her up myself.

Imagine what people would think of a professor taking his drunk student back to her dorm.

She nodded in agreement, then paused.

“Thanks for tonight. It was nice getting to know you, Owen. And I’m sorry again about…that.”

Dammit, that sounded a whole hell of a lot like a post-date line.

“See you in class, Miss Miller,” I said, lifting my fingers from the steering wheel to give her a sort of wave.

She jerked a nod at me, then closed the door and made her way inside the dorm building.

I sighed, feeling like an asshole, but I had to do it. I had to put some sort of space back between us because it seemed like we’d demolished the professional line that had to exist between student and teacher.

Mia turned at the lobby door and looked back at me, but she didn’t wave, and neither did I before she finally went inside and disappeared from view.

I revved my car and drove the few minutes back to my house, a beautiful Antebellum style home, built in the 1850’s. Driving up the half circle driveway, I parked my car right in front of the door, like I always did. Not like I ever had visitors that would care to use the driveway.

As I made my way to the front door, I listened to the crunch of my feet on the pebble gravel drive and wondered how many carriages had followed my path. The short flagstone walkway that led to the door was an equal wonder. It was the big reason why I’d bought the house after moving to Mississippi. The history in these parts was deep and dirty and rich. The house itself felt like a slice of the past, and living in it was a little like living in a dream.

My phone beeped in my pocket, and my damn hand reached for it immediately.

Mia Miller: See? Made it to my room in one piece. Made it into my jammies, too!

I smiled. Drunk or not, the girl was charming beyond reason.

Me: Good. You’ll need your sleep. We’ve got a big test to plan for midterms.

Mia Miller: I knew it! Already planning for midterms, huh? I’m just getting settled into my classes. Don’t talk about such cursed things, Professor.

Me: It’s my job. Yours too. Besides, I’m a sadist.

Mia Miller: Sepiosexual and a sadist? You’re getting more and more interesting with every hour.

I bit back a groan. Mia with her inhibitions gone was something to behold. Between her sweet personality, that amazing brain of hers, and the junk grab from earlier, I was still throbbing and in need of something to ease it.

Me: I thought we were done with the sex talk, Mia Miller.

Mia Miller: Who said anything about sex? I’m just taking notes of your tendencies and preferences. That’s kind of my job. right?

Me: Right.

Shit, I needed a fuck.

Passing my incredible library on the way up the stairs, I headed straight to my bedroom, and consequently, to the attached bathroom.

I shed every last bit of my clothes, letting them sit on the floor while I hurried around the massive, regal tub in the middle of the large room and into the shower tucked into the corner.

The thing was from probably the 70’s when the house was last updated, a calamity of brown and orange tile with brass fixtures. Not that I cared, I just needed hot water and some soap to get the job done.

My eyes closed the moment my fist wrapped around my cock, a moan trying to escape my pursed lips. Damn, those delicate hands, and those plump lips. God, I wanted to bite them myself.
