Page 30 of Teach Me

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Growling, I stop and turn to my friend.

“Fine! Ugh, you’re so annoying Clea!”

She stopped and folded her arms across her ample chest.

“I still don’t hear y—”

“F-fuck!” I yelped.

Mortified at how loudly I’d yelled the word.

Clea clapped her hands and shouted an echo, making the people nearest us turn judgemental eyes our way.

“Isn’t it freeing?” she said dreamily. “Nothing can hold you back, Mia.”

While I agreed that nothing could hold me back, there was something that still felt foreign and wrong about saying obscenities for others to hear. It was one thing to give characters voices in my books, but for me to say it? It felt so alien.

“Now that we got that out of the way, you need to go on a date. What about a double with me and Howard?”

“You’re seeing Howard again?” I asked.

When Clea had gotten home from her first date with the man, she hadn’t seemed too enthusiastic about him. I was surprised she was giving him a second try.

“Well, he’s not terrible to look at and he’s going to be a dentist, so I figured I’ve got to give him a chance to prove himself.”

“Clea, my friend, that’s got to be one of the saddest things you’ve ever said. You can’t date someone because they’ll make a good living!”

“Oh, well excuse me missus ‘good career’ on the husband to-do list!”

“Wanting my husband to have a good job is not the same as dating a man because he’ll make a lot of money. His personality must come first. Similarities in morals and beliefs are the number one thing you should be looking for. Not money.”

“Pish. I want a man with money so he can shower me with diamonds and fancy cars, like that little Porsche your professor has. Mmm! That thing is sexy!”

She wasn’t wrong.

“I’m sure Owen has worked hard for the things he has. Besides, he’s a lot older than us and has had time to save and manage a fancy car like that.”

“Owen, huh? You two on a first name basis now?”

“Well, yes. He said Professor Harlo took too long to say, so we’re down to short, sweet, and to the point. He’s nothing if not efficient.”

And sexy, and brilliant, and hot as all Hades.

“Do I smell a romance happening here?” she asked, poking me in the ribs now that we’d started heading back to our dorm again.

“What? No!” I adamantly denied.

There was no romance. Heated looks and innuendos? Yes. But nothing physical or romantic had ever passed between us. Well, besides my hand accidentally plunging into his lap in his car… Dear Lord, I thought I’d die of embarrassment when that happened. But what was inside his trousers? That was nothing to laugh at. The man was hung like a horse, and if the girth of his half-erect state told me anything, it was that Professor Harlo was packing, big time.

I was just grateful I’d been half drunk that night, otherwise I might have bloody died from embarrassment.

“Well, good. He’s way too old for you. Leave the older men for me! You need someone young, hot, and rich.”

“No. I need someone intelligent, supportive, and kind.”

“One day I’ll get you to see the light,” Clea said just as we finally made it to our building.

“Doubt it,” I countered, smiling at my friend.
