Page 4 of Teach Me

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“Nope,” was all I answered with, and it was good enough for her.

I’d have to play it off a little bit, but I was going to make the most amazing TA, and Professor Harlo was going to love me.

Refusing to think of that stupidly sexy body, I shoved him out of my mind for a little while and got writing to my latest paper from my English class.

Chapter 2


I waited outside Professor Harlo’s office after my ten o'clock class let out. He wasn’t around when I arrived at eleven, so I sat there for over an hour waiting for him to return from his own class. Then noon passed, and no Professor Harlo. He’d told me noon on the dot, and there I was, ten minutes past and he wasn’t there.

Another almost half hour dragged by and I started tapping my foot. People were staring at me like I was a psycho for standing there so long, and my feet were aching something fierce. Genius I was for wearing thin, foam flip-flops.

Finally, approaching twelve-forty, Professor Harlo came meandering to his office, nose in a book and briefcase tucked under his arm while he dug through his pocket. He retrieved keys and finally lifted his face out of the pages long enough to look at his door, and consequently, me.

“Oh, good. You’re here,” he said, all chill and nonchalant, meanwhile, I was fuming.

“You told me to meet you at noon,” I practically growled, my legs achy and stiff from standing at his door for so long.

He lifted a brow before closing his book with a perfect little ‘thwack’.

“I told you to be here at lunch time, not noon. This is my lunch time.”

I took a deep breath and tried to banish the sudden thought of beating him across the head with that book he’d been reading.

“I’ve been waiting here since eleven,” I informed him.

“Well, why would you do that?” he asked dismissively, going into his office and leaving the door open.

“Because you said lunch time and I have no freaking idea when a professor’s lunch time is. So I came between classes. My next one starts in twenty, actually. So I guess it’s a good thing you decided to have lunch. Eventually.”

He sat behind his desk and leaned back, and that was when I finally got a good view of him in his perfectly pressed white shirt beneath another one of those old man sweaters. It even had the little patches of leather on the elbows.

With a sigh, Professor Harlo took off his glasses and rubbed at his forehead and eyes.

“Well, it’s a shame you waited so long. That wasn’t my intention. I suppose I should have been more specific with a time period for you to come.

That was almost an apology, and I’d take it. Hell, I’d cling to it, because I really, really wanted that job.

Suddenly, I tossed the shirt I’d been holding at him and he caught it, without his glasses on and all.

“What’s this?” he asked, then reached up for his spectacles and put them on. “Oh, right. You got the stain out?”

I nodded, hoping he didn’t read the lie written all over my face.

He didn’t look too hard at it before he shoved it over to the side of his desk.

“Very good! ”

“So the job is mine?” I asked, needing to hear the words.

“Yep. You’ll start today.”

I stuttered, staring into his caramel eyes through those stupid sexy glasses.

“We’re actually having a test tomorrow, and I want you to take roll, time, and gather the tests at the end of class. You need to watch for cell phones and cheating.”

I nodded, dropping my backpack to pull out my notebook.

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