Page 41 of Teach Me

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He wouldn’t look at me now, and I didn’t miss the way he folded his arms over his lap.

“Owen?” I whispered.

The faint sound made his eyes open and zero in on me.

“Will you help me out?”

He lifted his eyebrows and asked, “I will if I can. What do you need?”

“I…I need you to kiss me.”

His head quirked, ear turning toward me a little as if he hadn’t heard me correctly.

“What?” he finally asked.

I was one second away from losing my courage, so I stood. He followed.

“You told me to get a hot kiss. So, kiss me.”

“Mia, I didn’t mean—”

“Owen, kiss me.” I demanded, and I watched his determination snap half a second before his lips slammed down on mine.

Chapter 9


I’d asked for a kiss, but what he gave me was…it was like breathing for the first time.

His lips were firm against mine, solid and demanding, but gentle. After a moment, his tongue flicked out and touched my lips, like he was begging entrance. So, I gave it to him.

My jaw flexed as our mouths opened, tongues tentatively greeting each other for the first time. Owen’s hand slid into my hair and he tilted my head back until the soft greeting turned into a battle between our tongues.

I was panting, breathing ragged and hard while my chest caught fire with excruciating heat. His kiss was lighting me up everywhere, from my toes to my nose, then seemed to focus right on the tight, sensitive buds of my nipples and the hot wetness of my throbbing core.

I felt like cheering and sobbing at the same time, my emotions were on such a high, then he tore away from me, putting a few feet of distance between us. He looked shell shocked.

“I’m so sorry,” he said, touching his lips like he couldn’t believe he’d actually kissed me.

I took three steps toward him until we were close again, everything in my body screaming to feel him again, and not just his lips this time.

“Look at me, Owen. Really see me,” I breathed, touching his rough cheek. “I want you, too.”

He swallowed hard, fighting a raging battle in his mind, but that same determination snapped again and he was on me, this time, his hands were, too.

His hot palms smoothed over my waist, pulling me toward him as we shared another life-altering kiss.

“I can’t do this,” he breathed, his mouth leaving mine to trail scorching kisses down my jaw and neck. “We can’t do this, Mia…”

“I want you,” I panted into his ear, feeling the ridged length of him against my hip as he pressed us closer together. “The only thing left to ask is, do you want me, too?”

The way he attacked my mouth again and his hands sank, grabbing my rear in two firm handfuls gave me the answer I needed.

It all seemed so surreal, so impossible. What would a brilliant man like him want with a twenty-three year old English major? It didn’t make sense, and yet, there we were, practically tearing each other’s clothes off on the back lawn.

“If we go inside, I won’t be able to stop,” he said, grinding his teeth so hard, I watched the muscles in his jaw jerk and move.

Feeling a burst of bravery, I found his hand on my waist and cupped it in mine before moving it up and pressing it against my breast.
