Page 45 of Teach Me

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“Come,” he said, but I shook my head.

“Carry me.”

He grinned down at me, but did as I asked, hauling me up bridal style toward his bathroom.

I was set gently to my feet beside the bathtub, which was more like a freaking pool in the center of the giant bathroom. On one side was the toilet room, then a big shower was tucked away on the other wall, but the bathtub was framed with marble and four massive pillars covered in painted ivy, welcoming you to a very Roman-ish style bathhouse.

Reaching over, Owen started the water, stopped the drain, and dropped in a handful of what looked like epsom salts that were stored in a jar beside the tub, then he took my hand as I stepped into the thing.

I let out a long, low moan as the hot water hit my cold toes.

“No more of that, you need time to recoup,” Owen said, rebuking me like I was a naughty child.

“Who said I need recovery time?” I demanded.

He turned to me, his face more serious.

“Your bleeding pussy, that’s who,” he said in a low voice.

Oh…I hadn’t even noticed blood.

Owen stood and moved around to the fireplace on the nearest wall. He dipped and put together some sticks and wood shavings from beside it to start a small fire.

I watched his strong back for a second as the impossibility of us flitted over my mind again.

Impossible, but we’d done it, anyway.

With a grin, I closed my eyes and sank into the bath water.

Chapter 10


What the ever-living fuck did I just do?

I needed a minute to think, so I dipped down and started an unnecessary fire to warm the bathroom while Mia sank into the bath.

That was…probably the best sex I’d ever had in my life.

Not joking, not exaggerating.

The way Mia moved, and the sounds she made had me fighting against an orgasm practically from the moment we started, but the fucking strangle of her cunt on my cock was what really did me in.

A virgin.

I couldn’t fucking believe I’d just deflowered a virgin. My inner wishes-he-was-a-Victorian-gentleman was on a bender, throwing horrible names around for my having taken the innocence of a young woman I had no intention of marrying. The LA modern man in me was high-fiving himself, and my inner professor was smacking me on the back of the head for sleeping with a student.

All three of them were right, in a way. There was one long list of reasons why this was a really really bad idea. Two of the biggest ones were named Caden and Charlie.

Shoving the palm of one hand into my eye as the fire started rolling, I threw a glance over my shoulder and my breath smashed out of my chest again.

Mia was sitting up in the tub with steamy water barely up to her navel. Her fingers were in her hair, dragging it back from her face as it stuck to her neck. The ends were wet and clung to her succulent skin. Fuck, she was incredible.

The woman looked like a Grecian goddess, scooping water with her hands to dribble over her chest. I watched the droplets slip over her curves, glittering in the firelight and the fading sun outside.

Mia turned to me, a smile gracing her face as she found me watching her like a creeper.

“You joining me?”
