Page 63 of Teach Me

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I glanced at the clock, and sure enough I had already slept like the dead for a full hour. My phone read three unread texts, and I clicked on that shiz before I even answered my mother.

“Honey, are you there?”

“Yeah, sorry, I dozed off. Yes, I’m between classes right now. You picked a good time.”

Two of the texts were from Owen, and I saved those to savor them in a moment, choosing to see Clea’s first. It was just a series of eggplants, peaches, and water droplets.

“Oh good, I was just talking to your father, and—”

The other texts opened next, and I grinned down at the simple words.

Professor Harlo: Not going to class, huh? I happened to stroll by your economics class between lessons and they were missing one sexy little English major.

Professor Harlo: You doing ok?

“Mia? Are you there? Can you hear me?”

“Oh! Yeah, I’m here Mom. Sorry, what did you say?”

“Oh, I was just saying that your father and I were thinking that it’s been too long since you’ve been home. We miss you, hun.”

I frowned.

“I miss you too, Mom. It’s just been busy around here. You know I got that job as a TA. I spend a lot of weekends working now.”

And with my professor’s cock nine inches deep.

Guilt swam through my chest as she sighed.

“Yes, I know. I’m just missing my little girl. You know your brother’s going to be off to college next year. What will we do with all our babies gone and out of the house? We’ll be…empty nesters.”

She said the words with such disdain, it made me laugh a little.

“There’s nothing wrong with being an empty nester, Mom. In fact, I think you’ll enjoy it. Imagine all the activities you can help put together at church, and how many fundraisers and dinners you could put on for the community!”

She made a soft sound, like maybe she was considering it.

“Yes, well, I’ll have to talk to Pastor Abraham about all that. There is already quite the flock of hens that do all the party planning. I’d like to do more service. Actually, I heard that the shelter needs more volunteers…”

I grinned. My mother was a genuinely good person, and I was grateful for her.

“Well there you go. There's a fantastic way for you to be doing the Lord’s work.”

Mom seemed relieved after that, and turned the conversation onto me.

“Now, how about you? You know your gran is still askin’ if you’re dating yet.”

“Well, actually,” I choked out, “there is one guy. We’ve had dinner a few times. He’s in all my writing classes.”

Mom practically lost a gasket.

“Is my baby girl datin’ and didn’t even bother to tell her mama about it yet?”

I grinned, feeling butterflies flying around my stomach just at mentioning Owen to my mom.

“Ok, so tell me about him. Obviously he’s a student there. Are you both doing a creative writing major? I’m not sure there are a lot of job opportunities for a degree in writing.”

“No, he likes teaching,” I stumbled. “But he has a passion for writing like I do. He’s brilliant, Mom. Our conversations are so cool and enlightening. I’ve learned so much from him. It’s been amazing talking to someone who loves literature and writing like I do.”
