Page 74 of Teach Me

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Mom turned to her friend and scolded her right there.

“Beatrice, don’t you be a peeping Tom! Come inside or go on home!”

Beatrice let herself in through the door in the kitchen, joining us at the table.

“Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve spotted your pretty face, Mia,” she said, squeezing my cheek.

Mom rolled her eyes at our elderly neighbor, but smiled despite herself. My mother couldn’t be angry at a mouse stealing her pie, let alone our lonely old neighbor.

“It’s been a month, maybe?” I said, smiling at her.

“So,” she started, leaning in. “Any boys to bring home to meet your ma yet? We’ve been waiting for a wedding, and you ain’t gettin’ any younger!”

“Beatrice Farmer, don’t you rush her,” Mom scolded, then turned wide, shining eyes on me. “Although, I have been craving a grandbaby something fierce.”

I rolled my eyes at the two women, but smiled anyway and listened to the old hens go on about the happenings at church and the neighborhood.

We had lunch together, and my heart was lightened. Being home was a breath of fresh air. And then Patrick came home.

“What’s for dinner?” he called through the house the moment the front door opened.

Beatrice took the moment to sneak out, pressing a kiss to Mom’s cheek in thanks for her hospitality.

“We’re having whatever you’re cooking!” I yelled back.

There was a thump of a bag hitting the floor, then hurried footsteps into the kitchen. The swinging door was thrown open, and my handsome brother appeared, a grin on his face.

“Well, if it ain’t the old maid!” he teased, hurrying over to scoop me up.

I laughed, shoving at his shoulders as he lifted me in the air, just to show off how big and strong he’d gotten over the last couple years.

“Didn’t Mom ever tell you not to manhandle women?” I asked with a giggle.

He snorted.

“Sure she did. But you’re not a woman. You’re my sister!”

Barking out a laugh, I smacked him again, which got him laughing. He eventually let me down and raided the fridge.

“Isn’t it the middle of the semester for you?” he asked, looking for a snack.

“Yes, but I decided to take a couple days. I needed to come home for a few days.”

Patrick emerged, a worried scowl on his brows. He kissed Mom on top of the head, who was sitting there and watching her kids interact with a grin spread over her face.

“I’ve got homework, but after dinner, you and I need to talk,” he said, pointing at me around the Coke in his hand.

“Dinner’s in an hour,” she told him as he headed back out of the kitchen with a handful of cheese sticks and his drink.

“He’s become quite the whirlwind,” Mom muttered, a smile of love on her face for her only son and youngest child.

I grunted an agreement, then asked how I could help with dinner.

We went on a walk, Patrick and I. Dad and Mom were finishing up their scripture study for the evening, so we’d decided to steal away so they could have some alone time.

“Alright,” he said, towering above me almost as tall as Owen. “The folks are out of earshot. What’s going on?”

“Why do you think there’s something going—”

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