Page 10 of Long & Hard

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“All the same. A mom is meant to love her child unconditionally, and while I would have loved to see you take your music to a bigger place, I know now that isn’t what you ever wanted. It was what I wanted for you,” Mom admits. At the end of the day, I understood her way of thinking. She wanted me in a more secure career, to make good money and have a cushion. The only problem with that is I’m not into flashy things. I live well within my means and have extras if I want them.

“Thank you.” Wanting to hear what she has to say and needing it are two entirely different things. I didn’t realize how badly I needed those words.

“Don’t thank me yet. I’ve got some more apologizing and groveling to do,” she says. My eyes never leave Kade. He’s on a barrel, albeit a small one, with us being on the east coast of Florida. I can see he’s completely focused, lasered in, and his arms are out for balance, hips moving from left to right as he rides the wave. “Anyways, the marriage is being annulled. Neither of us was in love with the other. I was in love with the idea of being in love. Jasper has, what I’m sure you know, a long past, and well, I’m really sorry, Audrena.”

“It’s okay. We’re okay. I mean, you’re allowed to date who you want, and so am I. As long as you’re happy, that’s all I care about. But maybe don’t spring your marriage on me in a public place, please?” Mom laughs, a true genuine laugh. It sounds like something I haven’t heard in a good long time. Maybe she’s been lonelier than I thought.

“Never again. I’m also going to take a break on dating. Maybe head north and go on vacation. I’ve been working for a long time, and I think I could use a breather.” This is the mom I remember. Down to earth, go with the flow, taking care of not just me but also herself. I’ve heard of parents having empty nest syndrome, and maybe that’s part of the equation. Only it’s happening years later, so a midlife crisis could just as well be the reason.

“I think you should date, Mom,” I say truthfully. It would be good. No, it would be amazing for her. Plus, she’s still young, youthful, and maybe I’m biased, but she’s also beautiful.

“I’m not so sure about that,” she replies.

“Yes!” I stand up, watching as Kade finishes his set, arms up, fist pumping the air, then keep watching as he falls backwards into the water.

“Audrena, is everything alright?”

“Whoops, sorry about that. Kade just rode a great wave. I kind of got excited.” Her poor ears. I’m sure I screamed, not being the least bit considerate of my mom on the other end of the line.

“It’s okay. I’m going to let you go. I’ll call you tomorrow, if that’s okay. I’d really like to work on our relationship.” I start to interrupt her, ready to say we need to work on our relationship together, but she’s not having it. “This is my responsibility, Audrena. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean I’m not your parent. Please let me.”

“Alright, and I promise to answer you and not ignore your calls, most of the time,” I tack on at the end. There’s no way I’ll answer a call when Kade and I are in bed. Nope, no freaking way.

“Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” We say our goodbyes, and once the call is over and I drop my phone to the towel, I head straight toward the water, more than ready to be with Kade.

14 Kade

My hand moves to Drena’s thigh. We’re at the last stoplight before we turn down the street to my place. Her chin is on my shoulder and arms are wrapped around my waist. Neither of us had a whole lot to do today. She didn’t have work, and Rhodes decided he was going to close Whitecaps on Mondays until we can find someone to help out in the front of the store on a regular basis. We took this morning to go in and catch up on a few things. Well, I did. Rhodes didn’t walk in until I was wrapping up on the last surfboard. He looked like last night was a rough one, whether it was from dealing with the pain of his knee or the demons that sometimes plague us. Rhodes didn’t say, and I didn’t ask. He’ll let me know when he's ready to talk. Two sides of the same stone, a lot like one another.

“Drena.” Her hand slides to my cock, cupping it, and I know she can hear me saying her name over the loud pipes. One thing about my girl, anytime we’re on the bike, she gets fired up for me. I’m talking by the time we’re parked, she’s drenched, I’m hard, and I’m fucking the hell out of her. Now that we’ve done away with condoms, it’s one less step and a lot easier to slide inside my woman whenever I want the thrill of her pussy.

“I want your cock in my mouth,” she says in my ear. The light turns green, and we take off. The last time she sucked my dick, I didn’t last. She knew what to do to make me come too damn fast. Her sucking on the piercing was ten out of ten amazing. There’s no way I’m letting that happen today. I’ve got shit to say to her, and I’m gonna do it with her on my cock.

The bad part about being this close to home is it takes a little bit longer with the traffic. Through it all, Drena doesn’t let up. Her hands go after the button of my jeans, and the second her hand slides inside, we’re turning into the driveaway. I hit the button for the garage door, impatiently waiting for the damn thing to go up. The minute there’s enough clearance, we’re coasting through, and I’m jamming my finger on the device to close the fucker back down. Drena’s hand continues to jack my cock as my feet hit the ground and I turn the ignition off. And then I’m done waiting.

“Get on my cock, Drena,” I tell her once the garage door shuts completely. Usually, I wouldn't have let her on the bike in only a dress, wanting her to be covered in case of an accident. Today, we were staying pretty close to the house, and there was no damn way I would have asked her to change when she walked out of the bedroom.

“No way. You hardly ever let me use my mouth on you.” I place my hand on top of hers, holding her off from working me up too much. The last damn thing I want is to come before her.

“There’s a reason for that. Not coming in your hand or down your throat. I want your pussy wrapped around my dick.” I feel her chest expand, hard nipples pressing against my back, and it won’t take much longer before she moves her sweet little self where I want her.

“Kade.” Yep, I’ve got her right where I want her. I lose her hand from my length. Her leg comes off the peg, hooking around my waist as I lift my hand to help her slide in front of me.

“Got something I wanna say and want to do it with your eyes on mine and me planted deep inside.” Her hands wrap around my neck as I help situate her on my lap.

“I want to say something to you, too,” she replies, and I feel more than see the lack of clothing she’s wearing today.

“Seems you forgot to put something on this morning, huh?” Her slick cunt coats the underside of my dick.

“Oh, I didn’t forget.” I drop the kickstand down but still keep my feet planted on the ground to stabilize the bike. Drena’s hands come between us, pulling my cock out of my pants.

“Someone had an idea planned all along.” My hands grip her hips, lifting her up a few inches.

“I did. This is what happens when you wake up and head to the store first thing in the morning.” She knew I was heading to Whitecaps this morning. I’d never leave the house without letting her know.

“Next time, I’ll wake you up, fuck you, then go to work. That better?” Her eyes close when the head of my cock settles inside her pussy. She’s already a quivering wreck.
