Page 126 of The Omega Princess

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“They’re going to kill each other,” I muttered.

“That’s a figure of speech, right?” said Eleri. “They won’t really hurt each other?”

“They’ve beat each other up before,” I said. “You saw Devlin punch him in front of the cameras, and that’s not the first time. When they were breaking up, it got violent on more than one occasion.”

Eleri blinked at me, and her scent went acrid in the car. She hunched up her shoulders. “Should we call them? Should we turn the car around? Should we—”

“We have to let it play out,” said Maguire, shaking his head.

“What do you think, Rohan?” said Eleri.

“I think if you were plotting this with them, you should have looped me in,” I said.

“Well,” she said sharply, “I would have, except you’ve been in this snit when it comes to Devlin, and I didn’t think you’d be any help.”

I deflated, because she was right. “He just… he makes me crazy is all.”

“Well, he’s Devlin,” said Maguire.

“Yeah,” I said, nodding.

“Yeah,” echoed Eleri with a little breathy sigh.

I sighed too. “I miss him.”

Eleri put a hand on my thigh.

I eased an arm around her and she snuggled in against me and that felt nice. I smiled down at her. “Sinclair and I are in that phase, at the beginning of a relationship, where we’re kind of mutually obsessed with each other. I guess, you three are too, with each other. Devlin and I are in a mature relationship, where we’ve had enough time to get used to each other. But I think he and I are both jealous of each other’s new relationships.”

“But we should all be in a relationship with each other,” said Eleri. “That’s what I want. That’s what being a pack is.” She paused, looking back and forth between Maguire and me. “Isn’t it?”

“Well,” I said, “there are different ways that packs can be organized, actually. There aren’t rules.”

“Right, I guess I know this,” said Eleri. “Sometimes, it’s just that an omega has a bunch of separate relationships with the alphas. But I don’t want it to be like that. It doesn’t seem fair.”

“Too much pressure on her to be the only emotional and romantic partner for four men,” said Maguire. “And it means we’d only get a fourth of her, so we’d all be needy and wanting. It’s better if we have relationships with each other. But… I mean, I don’t have a relationship with you, Rohan, not really. And I feel like I barely know Sinclair.”

“But you and Devlin, there’s something there,” I said to him.

Maguire’s scent changed, and he got a sort of shy look on his face. “Yeah,” he said softly.

“So, maybe that’s enough,” I said. “Maybe it’s you three, and me and Sinclair—”

“But I want to be with you and Sinclair,” said Eleri. “I want all of us to be together.” She made a face. “I pushed too hard, didn’t I? I tried to force something to happen and I should have let things happen organically.”

“It’s partly Devlin being so fanatic about wanting the bites,” said Maguire. “But he’s just being like that because he can’t really believe you’re real and here and his, Eleri. He spent so long thinking he’d never have an omega, and some part of him thinks you’re going to evaporate into thin air unless he permanently claims you right now.”

“True,” said Eleri. “But if I let him bite me and no one else, it’s not fair to the rest of you. With all the animosity and weird little alliances going on, it’s stressing me out.”

“Yeah, see, she shouldn’t have to do that,” said Maguire.

“No,” I agreed. “That’s not fair to you, omega.”

“But I’m the omega,” said Eleri. “I’m supposed to bring everyone together. I’m supposed to fix all this.”

I pulled her tightly into my chest. “You’re only supposed to be sweet and small and smell delectable and let us knot your holes, silly girl. You’re doing everything you’re supposed to do. This is not all on you.”

“Okay, I’m going to volunteer this,” said Maguire, “and I don’t know how you feel about it, Rohan, but I would be fine if just Devlin bites her for now. I would be fine with letting them go off on a holiday together, just Devlin and Eleri, all alone, let him be her alpha, her only alpha, for however long he needs. Deep down, he’s hurt somewhere, and I think it would be nice to let him have that.”
