Page 150 of The Omega Princess

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“Rohan?” I breathed. I tried to focus my eyes, but everything was blurry.

“You waiting for something, baby?” said Sinclair, still frantically tending his bite.

“My moment,” said Rohan in a deep, self-assured voice.

I found him, my vision coming into focus. Rohan was the only one who had never given me some nickname, who had always been steady and true, always listening to each of us, being just the right thing for each of us, being the right thing for the pack. He was the final piece, and I knew it, the glue.

“It’s now,” I whispered. “But you’re right. Your bite was always supposed to come last.”

“Eleri,” he breathed, as if he was tasting my name. And then he put his mouth to my shoulder and bit down, and the world went bright and hot and cold and good and unfathomable and I moaned up at the ceiling as they tended and purred and bracketed me. I was at the top of a tall tower, looking down over the countryside below, pleasure spurting through me in long waves of joy. All of us were connected, all of us pushed into each other, and all of them settled in me—not just their teeth, not just their cocks, but them.

We were all tied together now, and it was the best thing I’d ever felt.



I WOKE UP sore, all over. My muscles were sore and my cock was a little chafed, and I realized I was still half-inside Eleri’s body, and I tugged my soft penis free of her, rolling away, into Devlin’s body.

He let out a little soft snore and nuzzled into me.

I could get out of this bed, probably, but maybe I didn’t want to. I shut my eyes, snuggling between Eleri’s body and Devlin’s, telling myself to just go back to sleep.

But someone else was moving on the bed.

I opened my eyes to see Sinclair sitting up and stretching.

He climbed out of the bed, went into the bathroom, and then came back moments later, yawning and scratching his stomach. He was a pretty sort of man, Sinclair Doyle. He was my mate now. We shared an omega. We’d both been inside her at the same time, our cocks and our teeth.

During all of it, everything had felt different. I’d tried hard to hold onto some semblance of my rational self, of my anger and my fears and concerns… and I’d lost. Instinct had taken over and I’d focused only on my omega. Only on knotting her and biting her and making sure she was pleased by the rest of her mates. Only on getting her through her heat.

I guessed that was the purpose of the rut, but it was odd now, because I had a memory of what that had been like—all of us in perfect sync, doing what came naturally—and it had been a powerful, amazing, pleasurable thing.

But now, on the other side of it, things weren’t so easy and instinctive.

My anger with Sinclair was still there. It had been buried during the rut, but it was still smoldering and it was coming back to life as I looked at him. Except it was tempered by this other feeling I had for him now, a shared sense of something almost familial. And, well, a tenderness. We’d been intimate. It changed things.

He eyed me, standing at the edge of the bed. Then he nodded at the door. “I’m going to…” He turned and padded off through the doorway.

I closed my eyes again and tried to go to sleep. I hadn’t told him to leave the room or not to come back to bed. That had been his choice. I was going to go back to sleep.

But it didn’t take long before I knew that was a lost cause.

I opened my eyes.

Sighing, I climbed out of bed and wandered out to find Sinclair in the living room, wrapping up in a blanket on one of the couches. At the sight of me, he sat up straight. “Oh, shit, we’re doing this now?”

“Doing what?” I said.

“I don’t know,” he said. “You came after me.”

I sat down on a couch opposite him. I realized I was totally naked, which made me feel a little bit self-conscious. I glanced down at my body.

He fished out another blanket from his couch, balled it up, and tossed it to me.

I arranged it over myself. Having the blanket over me made me feel even more as if this was intimate, familial. I didn’t really know him, though, that was the thing.

“So, we can do the thing where I apologize and shit,” he said. “I am sorry. It’s only that I have to be honest, if it happened like that again, exactly that way, and I don’t know if I can promise that I’d be able to stop myself. I can lie to you if you want. People like it when I lie to them, and if I need to, I can do it pretty sincerely.”
