Page 44 of The Omega Princess

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“Good?” he said.

“Fuck me,” I said in a thin voice. “Please, please, fuck me, alpha.”

“Oh, shit,” he choked. He seized my hips and then he was at me with abandon, and his knot was jostling me, and now I was like a pinball machine, the knot hitting all sorts of good, wonderful places, and each one was a shower of sparking pleasure. I panted and moaned and jutted into the bed, and he just held me there and fucked me nice and hard, punctuating his thrusts with telling me what a good omega I was, and how good his knot felt snug in my pussy, and I was hitting the stratosphere.

I was going to have an orgasm, and I’d never had one just from intercourse before. I’d always needed a little help, something on my clit. I guessed I was getting help on my clit, though, because of his beautiful, amazing, huge knot.

I felt myself crest, and then hang there, in a little plateau of pleasure, as he battered me with his huge, insistent cock, and then each thrust nudged me closer, closer, closer…

“Fuck!” I cried out.

And then I clenched on him in a volley of sweet, perfect clenches. I’d never come like this before. I’d never felt anything quite like this before. I felt as if I’d been transported out of this world and into a place of utter pleasure.

“Oh, omega,” he sighed behind me. “Oh, good girl, such a good girl, coming on your alpha’s knot so easily. You’re perfect. Everything about you is perfect.” He bent down to kiss me. He kissed my back and then my neck and then the notches of my spine, and then…

I felt the scrape of his teeth.

I went wild, arching up into him, letting out a series of animal whines and yips.

He growled, and I felt him take my skin between his teeth, and I knew he was going to do it. He was going to bite me, and I felt my entire being flooded with an ecstatic kind of feeling of magenta-colored intensity. Yes, please, yes.

I wanted it.

But it didn’t happen.

I scented Maguire before I was able to make sense of the fact that Devlin’s mouth wasn’t against my skin anymore.

The scent was sharp and acrid, a warning.

I opened my eyes, gasping.

There, behind me, Maguire had both of his arms around Devlin, pinning the prince’s arms down, holding him up and away from me.

Devlin struggled, snarling. “Listen to me, you pup,” he bit out. “Let go of me.”

“Not on your life, Your Highness,” Maguire snarled back, and he reached down, between Devlin’s thighs, to the place where Devlin and I were connected. Maguire took hold of Devlin’s scrotum.

Devlin let out a little shriek, but he went totally still.

“That’s right,” said Maguire, voice soft now, soothing. “That’s right, Your Highness. You don’t want to bite our princess.”

Devlin shuddered, and I felt it all through him. His cock shook inside me, and he came, a hot spurt of liquid filling me up. I watched as he leaned back into Maguire, in exactly the same way I had sagged into the bodyguard earlier. “Shit,” he said, stretching out the word so that it had about six syllables.

“It’s all right,” murmured Maguire. And then he kissed the prince, claiming Devlin’s parted lips.

Devlin moaned as he kissed back, surrendering.

They were beautiful together. My pussy quivered around the knot inside me. My core tingled, and I felt a certain bursting rightness at the two of them together.

Maguire broke the kiss. “Sorry, Your Highness,” he said quietly. “Got carried away.”

“No, no, you did exactly right,” sighed Devlin. “Just what we needed, Maguire. You, um, you…” Devlin looked up at him, eyes half-lidded. “You’re steadying. No one else can do that to me. I hadn’t realized how exhausting it is, being in charge all the time, but you… fuck, you’re an alpha, aren’t you?” His voice was throaty.

“Whatever you need,” said Maguire, and his voice was throaty too. “Whatever you both need.”

“Lie down with us,” said Devlin. “Take off your clothes.”

“I can’t… I should be in the hallway, on duty.”

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