Page 41 of Shadow Mate

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“That’s because I never asked. They didn’t kill anyone, which is the only reason those who worked at the lab are still breathing,” said Colby in a benign voice. “I also wanted them to know the price they would pay. Apparently, no one told Strode. It’s time he learned the lesson for himself.”

Brie kissed him again. “Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you’re being diabolical?”

“No, but I’ll make a note of it,” he chuckled before kissing her back.

“Come on, Caye, let’s go see what we can see,” said Brie.

“Two hours,” reminded Colby as she and Caye left the room.

They picked up sidearms as they headed to the lower levels, flanked by two of Colby’s best guards.

Caye turned to them and said, “I’m sure you’ve been told not to let her out of your sight, but I need to speak with her privately…”

Brie put her hand on Caye’s arm. “No. You don’t. You want to know if Colby forced me into a pair bond…”

“So, he’s claimed you? And what does it mean for the Shadow Sisters if you’re his beta?”

“Yes, he’s claimed me, but at my instigation. I realized this morning that he’s been right all along, and I was just being difficult. I’ve loved him for longer than I remember. And I don’t know how being his beta will work with being the leader of the Shadow Sisters. What I do know is that we will figure it out. Colby has always been our strongest supporter, and his belief in what we do hasn’t changed. If anything, my being his mate will allow us to do even more. He has suggested we might want to use the abbey as a kind of home base for what we do.”

Caye listened, nodding her head. “I can see where this is kind of a centralized location, and it’s isolated, which has more advantages than disadvantages. As long as you’re happy with what happened, I’m happy for you. From all I know, he’s a very different kind of alpha. Hayden says he’s often in direct opposition to the other alphas, and he doesn’t much care. He is an entity unto himself, but his tentacles reach all over the globe.”

They spent the rest of the time clearing the two lower levels before they headed back upstairs to meet with the others. They were in the room Colby had claimed as his study, but far more resembled a war room with maps and electronics Brie didn’t have a clue about. She moved to the head of the table to sit beside Colby in a chair he held out to her.

“All clear?” he asked her. “Sorry. Stupid question. If it wasn’t, you’d have led with that.”

“You’ll have to forgive him,” said Winter. “He often asks questions he knows the answers to.”

“I’ve noticed that. I used to find it annoying. Now I find it cute.”

“Oh god, newly bonded pairs,” sighed Hayden.

“Knock it off, big brother. You and Fallon aren’t much better.”

Hayden mumbled something under his breath that sounded like a comment about little sisters. Caye’s response was to kick him in the shins under the table, which was something she often did.

When he growled, Colby looked at Brie. “Did I miss something?”

“Nothing special, just Caye kicking Hayden in the shins. It’s a leftover from their childhood.”

Hayden growled in her direction, and Colby growled back, leaning forward. “Adriana’s abduction notwithstanding, I’m not big on people threatening those under my protection. Trust me when I say my mate falls into this category.”

“Okay, boys, let’s dial back the testosterone and focus on the real issue,” said Brie. “Keep in mind, I’ve known Hayden a long time. If he ever tried to hurt me, you’d have to race Caye to see who got to him first.”

“I don’t stand a chance,” grumbled Hayden. “As usual, Brie is right. What I don’t understand is how they got the jump on us in the first place. Don’t you have audible sensors that will pick up an incoming chopper or even a drone?” asked Hayden.

Colby nodded. “We do, but it was not listening for the flap of wings.” Colby flicked a switch and video surveillance of the attack showed Strode had at least three dragons among his followers. “That is being remedied as we speak. I have also told Scott, Sean, and all the other members of the Resistance. As soon as we have it programmed in, all the systems will be updated.”

“The system can’t just listen for the dragon wings beating the air,” said Brie. “If you look, they glided in just using the air currents to keep them aloft.”

“Shit,” said Colby. “You’re right. Winter, do me a favor and let them know the system needs to learn how to detect wings gliding on the air.”

She looked at Brie, who smiled and nodded. “Will do.”

“How do you think Strode knew we were here?” asked Brie. “This is twice in as many days that he’s jumped us.”

“The mole in Mystic River is my guess. I think a lot of us, myself included, got used to everybody being on the same side. Someone must have said something that was overheard. I asked Scott to pick up Strode’s man and see what he could learn.”

“Did you figure out definitively who it is?” asked Hayden.
