Page 45 of Shadow Mate

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Colby hadn’t known what to expect, but the loud, keening wail and the sound of thundering hooves as the French doors rattled was not something any of them would ever forget. The banshees rode out of the night sky on a chariot pulled by fire-breathing dragons. The irony was not lost on Colby. The chariot was driven by three beautiful maidens. The sound of their wailing combined with Adriana’s was deafening. With malicious intent, they bore down on Caye and what she was holding.

“Let his soul fly free,” Adriana said to Caye. “He will not escape them.”

What was left of Strode’s immortal soul seemed to realize it was doomed. It tried to find a way out as Caye tossed it up into the air. As the banshees closed in their faces turned to those of wizened old crones with sunken, hollow eyes and withered skin. Strode’s soul tried to flee, but the banshees pursued him with increased vigor, zeal, and screeching.

Snatching him up, they bound him with ethereal chains that clanged and rang out in the night. Their cries turned to demonic cackling as they wheeled the chariot back the way they had come, the lead driver cracking a whip made of lightning to urge the dragons on. The last sound Strode’s soul ever made was an agonized scream. The French doors slammed shut behind them.

“That’ll teach that bastard to mess with a descendant of the banshees.”

“The vampires are starting to wake. We need to get airborne and raze this place to the ground,” said Colby.

“Nice work,” Hayden said to Adriana as he passed by her. “Noisy, but nice. If the lynx-shifter and his mate can’t convince you to stay with them at the abbey, you might want to think about joining the hellhounds.”

Colby wrapped Brie in his arms, covering her mouth with his and giving her a kiss that was brief but intensely passionate.

“Come on lover boy, we need to go,” said Hayden, managing to give his sister a hug before dragging her back toward the front door.

The team was onboard the chopper and lifting off before the first of the vampires reached the upper level of Strode’s home. The chopper opened fire and then dropped three explosive bombs, creating a firestorm. Colby noticed Adriana had closed her eyes and was muttering something.

When she was finished, she opened her eyes and batted them at Colby. “I did a containment spell. It should contain the fire, which I morphed into hellfire, to the manor house. That should take care of the vamps and any other nasties Strode had, but not set the whole island on fire.”

“Good thinking,” said Brie, patting her on the arm. “And you don’t want to work for Hayden. The Shadow Sisters are much more fun, aren’t we Caye?”

“We are indeed,” replied Hayden’s sister.

Colby tapped his earpiece. “Winter? It’s done. Strode and all his evil minions are dead, too—at least those who were there. Wait until you hear about the banshees.”



“Did you get them all?” Winter asked without preliminaries.

“We’re all fine, Winter. Thanks for asking,” quipped Colby as he climbed out of the helicopter, reaching back to help Brie.

“Well, of course, you’re all fine. Why wouldn’t you be? Two hellhounds and a witch/wolf hybrid? There was never any doubt in my mind about that.”

“Don’t you believe her,” said Maya as she brought them all hot mugs of coffee, tea, and cocoa.

Brie reached for the cocoa. “I can’t remember the last time I had a cup of hot chocolate.” She took a sip. “Hmm. This is good.”

“It’s the cinnamon,” said Winter. “It’s Mexican hot chocolate. I keep telling Sean it’s amazing, but he just about had heart failure when he found out how much it cost to import to Scotland.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll have some shipped to you.”

Brie looked at him. “Let me guess, we’re now talking smuggled Mexican chocolate.”

“It makes it taste so much better,” chuckled Colby.

Adriana was helped off the helicopter. Brie was watching her just as her knees started to buckle.

“Easy there,” said a tall, muscular man with sandy hair who moved from behind Maya as he steadied Adriana.

Brie didn’t recognize him, but guessed he might be the doctor Colby had sent for.

“Adriana are you all right?” asked Brie.

It was difficult to interpret the look that flashed across Adriana’s face. There was pain, fear, and recognition—all at once and all in the blink of an eye.
