Page 115 of Nanny for the Grump

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“Maybe. What’s in there?”

I look down into the now empty box, only to find another one covered in velvet.

My heart pounds in my chest, and my hands start to tremble.


There’s apprehension in my voice, and when I look at him, I feel the tears start to prick at the corner of my eyes.

“Go on.”

His voice is steady, but I see him swallow hard, and his knuckles are white as he grips the lip of the coffee table.

I fumble a bit with the smaller velvet box as I open the top. The hinge at the back creaks slightly, but when it’s open, I’ve revealed a stunning diamond ring.

The simple white gold band that holds the gem is inlaid with a Celtic knot pattern, and the stone itself is way bigger than what I would have ever expected to own.

Noah knows me, though, and it’s not so big that I’ll feel awkward.

The tears come full force then, and as I hear Noah move, he slides to his knee in front of me, taking my hand.

“Olivia. My sweet Liv. You know I love you. But sometimes I think those words aren’t enough. I want the whole world to know you’ve chosen me, and I’ve chosen you. I want to shout it from the rooftops. I never thought I’d get married again after the last time, and I never thought I’d be able to raise Elijah with the love he deserves. Not only have you taught me how to handle the stress and be the best dad I can for Elijah, but you’ve also shown me that love can be mine again.”

The grip Noah has on my hand is tight, and I can see his eyes go glassy, tears brimming over the deep green.

“Nothing would make me happier than being able to call you my wife. The mother of my child and the glue that put this family back together. You’ve changed my entire life, Liv. I can never thank you enough, but I promise to spend the rest of my life trying. I promise to spend the rest of my life making you feel as loved as you make me feel. So—”

Noah takes a deep breath, steadying himself.

“Will you marry me?”

“Do you have any idea how hard it was to not interrupt you and just scream yes?” I smile so big that my cheeks ache. “Yes!”

I leap off the couch as best I can, into his arms, and kiss the ever-loving hell out of him. As I pull back just enough to grin like a fool, Noah’s hand finds my belly.

“It took you long enough.”

“Sorry, babe. I had to find the right ring.”

Noah’s lips meet mine again, and the baby kicks hard.

“Oof. I think they agree with me.”

Gently, Noah’s lips find my stomach over my dress, and he whispers so low I can barely hear him.

“Don’t worry, little one. We’re a family. Now and forever.”

The End
