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"Thank you, Ms. Parker. This is Mia from ABS Collections. How are you today?"

Her polite inquiry feels almost surreal given the nature of the call. "I'm... managing. What can I do for you?"

"Ms. Parker, we've been attempting to reach you regarding the outstanding balance on your parents' account. As you know, it was inherited upon their passing, and we need to discuss a resolution to the overdue payments."

I close my eyes, trying to push back the waves of frustration and guilt. The weight of my parents' financial legacy has been a constant shadow over the past few months, an unwelcome companion in my already challenging life. That on top of leaving Garrett behind when our relationship turned unhealthy left me feeling absolutely overwhelmed with no support from anyone.

"I understand," I reply, my tone more resigned than confrontational. "I've been going through a tough time lately, but I'm back on my feet now. I can set up a payment plan or something."

Mia pauses for a moment, as if assessing my sincerity. "We appreciate your willingness to address this matter. However, it's essential to establish a clear plan for repayment. Can you provide us with a realistic timeline for settling the outstanding balance?"

I try to remember what day of the month it is, realizing that I don’t remember when I’m supposed to be paid for taking care of Jaxon. Friday is a good guess, and it’s just around the corner. "Give me a week. By next Friday, I'll have something substantial to contribute. I'll call your office with the details."

"Very well, Ms. Parker. We look forward to hearing from you. Remember, resolving this issue is crucial to avoid any further complications."

The call ends, leaving me with a mix of relief and apprehension. I exhale slowly, aware that facing my parents' financial obligations is a necessary step in taking control of my own life.

Now that my thoughts are racing, I don’t feel nearly as sleepy as I did before, but I’m still determined to get some rest.

I check on Jaxon and see that he is fast asleep, his arm around a stuffed elephant. Now comes the awkward part. I’m supposed to sleep here while Harrison is working his shift. Harrison showed me a bed in the guest bedroom, but I couldn’t help but imagine what sort of activities could have taken place in that bedroom.

I prefer to sleep on the couch. Besides, if I’m supposed to be here to take care of Jaxon, he’ll be able to find me more easily if he needs something.

I change into my pajamas and grab a blanket out of the blanket basket by the arm of the couch. I settle into the cushions and turn the TV on, flipping over to Netflix and finding the show I’ve been watching most recently.

Smiling, I suddenly realize another way I can annoy Harrison- messing up his Netflix recommendations. I go through and add a bunch of girly movies to his list, then like a bunch of other ones I’m sure he would hate.

Then, sleepiness starts to overcome me as I pick a movie and settle in, drifting off to sleep partway through.

Chapter eight


I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open as I head home. It’s five in the morning, and I’m exhausted. I only have overnight shifts twice a month, and they always throw off my circadian rhythm. I have so much coffee running through my veins that I’m surprised my blood hasn’t turned brown.

I’m going to check on Jaxon and make sure he’s sleeping, then I’m going to head straight to bed.

I’ll text Breanna and let her know that I’m home and that I need to sleep for a few hours. I usually set myself an alarm for noon when I do an overnight shift so that I can try to get back on my regular schedule.

I pull into my garage and take off my shoes as soon as I enter the house. Then, I creep through the kitchen. The light above the sink is still on, leaving a dull glow that gives me enough light to keep from stumbling over one of Jaxon’s shoes that has somehow been left in the middle of the kitchen like some sort of trap.

I head toward the sink to get a glass of water and see my plate from lunch still sitting there. Jaxon’s dinosaur plate is gone, but mine is still there.

Irritation grates under my skin as I realize that Breanna came over to the sink, washed the plates, but then pretended she hadn’t seen mine.

I start composing a lecture in my head, pulling out a copy of our contract on my phone to back me up. But as I reach the part about household chores, I realize that it specifies making meals for her and Jaxon and cleaning up after them, but says nothing about my dishes.

I sigh, deciding that I need a snack if I don’t want to wake up in an hour with a grumbling stomach.

I decide to get some peanut butter and crackers, but the peanut butter isn’t on the second shelf to the left. I stare at the spot, like maybe I’m just so tired that I don’t see it.

It’s not there.

I back out of the pantry, then re-enter like it might have magically appeared in the last five seconds.

Then, I see it. It’s on the third shelf, next to the pasta. Why would Breanna have put the peanut butter next to the pasta? That doesn’t make any sense. Pasta and peanut butter aren’t eaten together.

I grab the crackers from the second shelf and start putting together a few peanut butter crackers, my stomach grumbling thankfully as I stuff them into my stomach.

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