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I grip his arms so hard that I’m sure I’m going to leave a mark.

“Keep going. Harder,” I urge, and Harrison continues, thrusting himself again and again into my body.

I gasp as I feel myself coming, and I squeeze his biceps, needing something to anchor myself to the ground.

Harrison spins me around, so that my back is against the entertainment center, then he thrusts himself in again and lets out a low groan of pleasure, throwing his head back.

We stand there for a few moments, both of us trying to catch our breath.

I lick my lips, suddenly aware of what has just happened. Part of me wants to laugh like a maniac “I got him!” but the other part of me wonders if this will change anything about my job. I can’t lose this job, not with the call I got last night.

I take a deep breath, and Harrison pulls out of me, reaching for the condom and heading toward the downstairs bathroom. He leaves the door open, and I’m alone for a few moments.

I know he’s going to want to go to sleep now. He’s been working all night, and then, he came home and… well, we don’t need to mention that.

This is my one chance to talk to him, and with Jaxon asleep, it will be easier to explain.

I pick up my shirt from the floor and pull it over my head, then go back to the couch, looking for my shorts.

I can’t see them.

I pick up the blanket and check under it, but they aren’t there either.

I bend over to see if it fell behind the couch, and Harrison comes out of the bathroom right then.

“What a nice view,” he comments, his voice low and rumbly.

I immediately stand up and turn around. I don’t know why a flush of embarrassment hits my cheeks. We were just as close as any two people can possibly be, but somehow, this, a conversation about money with only half of my clothes on, feels more intimate to me.

“I wanted to ask you something,” I say, checking under the blanket again in case I somehow missed seeing the shorts the first time I looked.

Harrison points at the four-seater kitchen table, and I smile. There they are, hanging over the back of one of the chairs. Somehow, Harrison managed to throw them all the way over there. “Oops.”

“What did you want to ask me?” Harrison says as I grab my shorts and pull them on, with my back to him.

“We never discussed when I would be paid. I assume every Friday, or maybe even every other, but…”

“I think the 15th and 30th are the easiest, don’t you?”

I don’t think that at all. I started on the sixth of the month, which would mean I wouldn’t be paid for another week. I can’t wait another week.

“I actually, well, I need some of the money now. I don’t know if you could do an advance, or maybe pay me every Friday. Or something more regular.”

I don’t want to tell Harrison what the money is for. I feel embarrassed that I’m having to shoulder this debt, even though it isn’t mine.

Harrison just stares at me for a long second. He looks at me for so long that I’m almost certain he didn’t hear me.

I open my mouth to rephrase my request, when Harrison holds up a hand.

“What kind of bitch are you that you have a moment like that….” Harrison waves his hand all around the living room to represent the thing that just happened, “then go straight to asking for money?”

“It’s not that I didn’t enjoy-”

Harrison shakes his head and clicks his tongue. “Money isn’t everything, you know? There are other important things in life.”

“I’m pretty sure that only people with money say it isn’t everything. Those of us who don’t have loads of it rely on it pretty heavily to do important things like… eating.”

I know that arguing with him isn’t the fastest way to get my money, but if he was dumb enough not to include when I would be paid in the contract, then it’s not like my question is completely unreasonable.

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