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My mind immediately goes to the shape of her curvy body and how it felt under my hands. Even though I was just exploring her less than an hour ago, the feel of her is already fading. I don’t want to admit that I feel the need for her planted within me like a seed about to sprout roots.

I don’t need her, I insist to myself as I place a cup of milk in front of Jaxon. I can’t think about her. That’s for sure. Instead, I focus on the joy of sharing breakfast with my three-year-old.

Jaxon digs into his pancakes happily, and I find myself smiling despite the lingering annoyance. There's something comforting about the routine of a morning meal and Jaxon’s excitement no matter what we are doing.

I sit across from him, eating a pancake of my own so I don’t wake up starving in an hour or two.

Just as I’m finishing my pancake (of course Jaxon is playing more than eating and has only taken a couple of bites), Breanna emerges from the bathroom wearing something a little less revealing than her pajamas.

Still, my eyes do a once-over as she emerges, yearning to see more.

When Breanna sees that Jaxon is awake, she hurries over to the kitchen, taking one of the two empty seats at the table.

“I’ve got him. Go sleep,” she commands like I need her permission.

The tension in the air is palpable as I clear my throat, trying to decide if I control myself for Jaxon’s sake or if I really let her know how things are going to be.

Breanna looks at me, and I can sense the unease in her expression.

"I've been thinking about our discussion earlier," I begin, my tone firm. "And I've decided that I can't issue your paycheck until next Friday."

Her eyes narrow, and a crease forms on her forehead. "Harrison, I really need that money. I can't wait another week." I see the way her hands form into fists. Then, she hides them under the table.

I think that Jaxon’s presence will keep Breanna calm, but I really want to know why she is so insistent about needing the money right now. Does she have a gambling addiction? Or something worse?

"Why is it so urgent?" I press, my frustration evident. "You've been doing your job, but it’s not unreasonable for me to pay you the week after the work is done. A lot of businesses operate like that."

Breanna hesitates, her gaze flickering away for a moment. "It's personal. I have some pressing expenses."

I cross my arms, my impatience growing. "Breanna, we have a clear agreement, and your paycheck is due next Friday. If there's a valid reason for an advance, you need to explain why."

She takes a deep breath, as if bracing herself. "Excuse me, but the agreement is not clear.” Breanna glances at Jaxon and takes a calming breath. “If it were clear, then I wouldn’t have brought the topic up.”

“I’ll clarify the contract then,” I say, annoyed at myself for not including it. It’s the same contract I used with Lisa, and she never seemed to have any questions or problems with the fact that I was planning on paying her twice a month.

Now, Breanna has arrived, and she has so many demands.

“It’s…My brother is in a tight spot, and he needs financial help. I promised him I'd send him some money tomorrow."

I raise an eyebrow, a mix of skepticism and frustration in my expression. "Breanna, you can't just expect me to rearrange my expenses because of your personal commitments. We have a contract for a reason."

Her eyes flash with frustration. "Harrison, it's not just about the contract. It's about compassion, understanding, and the fact that we're supposed to be a team here. I think you and I would agree that I’ve been taking good care of Jaxon. Can't you cut me some slack just this once?"

“Daddy, Miss Beanna is really nice,” Jaxon cuts in. “She’s my fend, so be nice please.”

I smile at Jaxon, remembering that I need to keep things calm for his sake. I take a sip of my water to give myself a moment to think. Could I pay Breanna tomorrow? Sure.

I could pay her right now if I wanted to write out the check.

But for some reason, I’m digging my heels in about this. I want her to know exactly who is in charge of who. I’m the boss, and asking her to wait until Friday to be paid rather than being paid after two and a half days of work is not unreasonable.

I sigh, feeling the tension escalating. "Breanna, I appreciate your work with Jaxon, but financial matters need to be handled responsibly. If you're facing difficulties, we can discuss it, but changing our agreement on a whim is not a solution." I’m proud of how calm I sound when saying this.

Part of me wants to pump my fist in the air. I’m putting Breanna in her place, but another part of me wonders what’s happened with her brother. Maybe I should be more compassionate, but the truth is that I didn’t grow up with money.

I’ve made all of my own money. I’ve done that through hard work and a lot of it. It didn’t happen by asking people for handouts, which makes me against the idea of handing out my money to anyone who asks, only those who truly deserve it.

Breanna stands, her frustration evident. "You just don't get it, do you? It's not about changing things on a whim. It's about humanity and compassion. I thought you were better than this."
