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"I'm calling from the bank," the voice continues, and my heart drops further. "I'm sorry to inform you that your mortgage payment is now three months overdue. If we do not receive at least one month's payment soon, we will have no choice but to initiate foreclosure proceedings on your home."

The words hit me like a physical blow, and for a moment, I struggle to process them. Foreclosure? Losing this home? It's a nightmare scenario that I never thought would become a reality.

"I understand," I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for letting me know."

As I hang up the phone, a sense of desperation washes over me. I can't afford to lose my home, not when it's the only stability I have left. But with my parents' debt weighing me down and the constant struggle to make ends meet, I'm not sure how I'll come up with the money in time.

The honest truth is that with all the other bills calling for my attention, I must have missed this one. It went a couple of months not being paid while I dealt with the grief of my parents’ deaths.

And now, I’ve been living there for a couple of weeks without even thinking about the fact that my parents might still owe money on the place.

Taking a deep breath, I try to push aside the overwhelming fear and focus on finding a solution. I may not have much time, but I refuse to give up without a fight. I gather my resolve and begin to brainstorm a plan to save my home.

I’m owed a last paycheck now that I’ve quit, but I’m not sure when Harrison will give it to me. I’m dreading when he calls me back. The check should be enough to make the house payment, but it would mean I couldn’t pay the debt collectors on time.

I need extra money. I need money right now.

There’s only one other way I could potentially get money out of Harrison, but it involves going out on a limb, taking a risk. Am I willing to do it?

Chapter twenty-two


When I listen to Breanna’s voicemail, I go into action. And it’s not actions to try to find a new nanny. I could do that. There have been a few applications still trickling in over the past week or so.

But I’ve seen Breanna with Jaxon, and I don’t want to lose her.

I call her back. Once, then twice.

She doesn’t answer either time.

I head to the front door and open it, stepping out on the porch.

Breanna’s car is in her driveway.

I lean on the front porch railing and sigh. Why is she quitting? Does she know what Garrett is telling me about her? How could she know what he’s saying unless it’s true?

But if it’s true, then she came here to get closer to me, to get the job, and maybe… something more.

I run a hand back through my hair, my thoughts racing.

One thing is for sure. I have to talk to Breanna. With all of these thoughts and questions, there is only one person who can answer them. And after Garrett’s single-minded tirade against Breanna last night, I don’t think he is the person who can answer them truthfully.

As I’m standing there, I see Breanna step out of her house and jog over to her car. She opens the door and slides inside in one smooth motion, without even glancing in my direction.

That’s the moment when I realize that this may be my only chance to talk sense into her. I step back inside.

“Garrett!” I yell, preparing the lie only seconds before it comes out of my mouth. “Emergency at the hospital. Watch Jaxon for an hour please!”

Both Jaxon and Garrett come running, staring at me like I’ve just asked them to start reconstructing the house from scratch. But then, Garrett shrugs, and Jaxon runs back to catch the next scene in his show.

Running, I almost forget to grab a pair of shoes from the back door. They’re in my hand, and I’m backing out of the driveway as Breanna gets to the stop sign at the end of the road.

Trying to keep cool, I follow her into town. She pulls into the parking lot of the bar where we met.

I sigh and reach into the glove box for a hat or something to hide my appearance. Whenever I come to this bar, I’m recognized. I’m given the VIP box and as many lap dances as I want for free.

That’s not the kind of night I’m looking for right now.
