Page 20 of Jealousy Jealousy

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Bullshit. “Or away from Wavel.”

He huffed out a laugh. He didn’t have to say yes. I knew that was the reason why. “Fuck…she can’t shut up about that guy. It’s fucking annoying, and she’ll get her heart broken.”

I pursed my lips. “Maybe. Or she’ll find the love of her life in him.”

“No, she won’t.”

Because I’m the love of her life, I could hear him say.

He wasn’t.

God, he was delusional.

Just like me.

That’s why we belonged together.

“Well…we’ll see when she goes there. Either way, it’ll be good not having her in the house for once,” I admitted.

“Do you even hear yourself when you speak? Why would you say shit like that?”

“What? It’s not like all of you wouldn’t say the same about me if I left for a few days,” I shot back, glaring at him.

“You’re assuming shit that’s not true, Caia. Stop with that. Have you still not asked Dad for help? You should talk to him about whatever issues you have.”

This time it hurt.

“I don’t have issues.”

“Then why the fuck do you act so fucking strange and say shit like that all the fucking time?”

I stared out the window, with my chest rising and falling as my heart pumped hard inside of it. I felt my lips tremble, but I didn’t want to cry. “Maybe if I’d be treated like a normal and loved family member, I wouldn’t have to act this way.”

“We treat you like anyone else in this family. Toughen up if you can’t handle it.”

They didn’t treat me the same and he damn well knew it. I could hear it in his voice. He wasn’t confident saying those things to me.

My body tensed, and my hands fisted in my lap. I didn’t give a response. I didn’t need help. Not from Dad. I needed him. Yet, here I was, letting him blame me for the way I was getting treated by them.

Maybe I should find an online friend and leave for a weekend.

Or a week.

Better yet…forever.

But I would miss him.

Only him.

Chapter 13


I had lost Sly in the store. I wondered off after grabbing the cheese, and I ended up in the beauty aisle. I wasn’t much into makeup, but I did care a lot about my skin and hair. Mom always got us these expensive, natural-ingredient shampoos and creams, and I truly believed that they were the reason for my clear skin and shiny hair.

We were never exposed to any chemical-filled things, and even our food was always the most organic and expensive type, but I still enjoyed looking at all the other products. Just to see what customers were offered.

I put the anti-aging cream back onto the shelf and turned around to face the perfumes. Mom had bought Wavel and me perfumes when we turned fifteen, and though we never had a reason to actually wear them, we did put them on sometimes.
