Page 25 of Jealousy Jealousy

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I looked over my shoulder to check if she was still asleep. Of course she was. Nothing would wake her from her beauty sleep.

I took the dress off the hanger and went into her bathroom to find the perfume. Ever since Sly had looked at me with those intense eyes at the store a few days ago, I couldn’t help but wonder how he would react if I not only smelled like Wavel, but also wore the same clothes. If me wearing that perfume had such a strong effect on him, how would he react if I wore Wavel’s dress?

I was going to find out.

I grabbed the perfume and left the bathroom again, holding the two stolen items close to my chest as I walked past her bed.

“What’s it like to sleep so deeply?” I whispered as I looked at her, questioning my sleeping habits.

Maybe if you weren’t so sick in the head, sleep would come more easily.

I shook my head at my thoughts. I couldn’t sleep even if I were in a coma.

I left her room and went back into mine to change into the dress I stole from Wavel’s closet, and once I had it on, I sprayed on some of her perfume until I smelled just like her. I looked at myself in the mirror and ran my fingers over the soft fabric of the dress. I looked just like her, but everyone could still tell us apart because like my mother always said: beauty started from within, and just by looking into my eyes, people would see the difference between Wavel and me.

Fuck her.

Fuck everyone in this family besides Sly.

He was the only one who mattered, and I was going to make him mine. I would do whatever it took and more.

Sly’s bedroom door was closed but I could hear the television. He was either watching TV or he was asleep. Either way, I was going in there.

I knocked softly, then knocked again when there was no response, and after a moment of silence, I entered the room. Sly was asleep, and I made sure to be as quiet as possible as I closed the door behind me.

He was lying on his back, with his left arm behind his head, and his right hand resting on his stomach. The covers were only reaching his hips, leaving only a minimal glimpse of his white boxers.

I watched his chest as it rose with every breath he took, and every time he breathed out, I saw the muscles flex under his skin. The TV was bright, and I decided to leave it on to see him better. The moon wasn’t bright enough tonight to help light up the room. It was raining but not heavily, and sometimes in the distance, lightning struck.

It was perfect outside.

It was a perfect night to seduce him in his sleep.

I walked over to the side of his bed and stood there, never taking my eyes off him. He was so goddamn beautiful.

Reaching out my hand, I ran my fingertips along his chest and stomach, and when I reached his hand, I placed mine on his, gently sliding my fingers through his.

His hand flexed under mine, and I held still until I was sure that he wouldn’t wake up. I licked my lips when my eyes moved to his crotch, and I remembered the feeling of my hand cupping his cock. It had felt amazing, and I wished I could’ve put my mouth on it too instead of just my hand.

I wanted to do things to him that would make him feel good, and I wanted him to do the same to me. And while I wanted him to be awake for this, I knew he would push me away the second he realized what was happening.

I needed to ease him into this.

Biting my lower lip, I moved my hand from his, then climbed onto the bed next to him. I knelt by his side and watched him. Simply watched him.

His face was flawless.

I traced my fingers along his jaw and down the side of his neck, feeling my lips tingle with the urge to kiss him there. I needed him so badly.

Leaning over him, I moved as close to him as possible without touching him. My face hovered over his as I held my breath and thought about my next move. He was making me nervous. He wasn’t even touching me, but my heart was beating fast.
