Page 31 of Jealousy Jealousy

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From Caia.

“Leave me alone,” I warned them before I walked out of the dining room and up the stairs. I locked myself into my room and slammed a fist into the wall, letting out a loud shout before sinking onto my bed and rethinking everything I allowed to happen last night.

Chapter 19



My plan didn’t work out.

Then again…I never truly believed it would.

It was naïve of me to think that it wouldn’t come to light. Then again, I never believed that Sly would be so stupid to not recognize me. But he hadn’t, and now he was mad.

“What’s gotten into him?” Mom asked, worried.

“I believe he’s jealous,” I stated bluntly, earning glares from everyone. I widened my gaze and held up my hands. “Gosh, don’t have to be so judgemental.”

“I think he’s just upset that Wavel is growing up and exploring the world and new possibilities. It’s normal for a big brother,” Dad explained. “Why don’t you go talk to him, Wavel?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I told them. “If he’s upset because of Wavel, I don’t think she’s who he wants to see right now.”

They were silent, then Mom spoke, and her words were arguably the most surprising ones she had ever outed in my presence. “Caia might be right. We should let him be for a while until he calms down. I say we finish breakfast and then spend some time together in the family room. We’ll check on Sly later.”

I didn’t care about what they would do, but I had to go talk to him. Make sure he wasn’t mad at me. Although, the way he reacted was proof enough of how he felt.

I got up from the table, leaning against it with the palms of my hands. “Please excuse me. I don’t feel so good.”

Nobody stopped me, and nobody cared to ask what was wrong. Even if I was fine, I’d expect at least for Wavel to ask if I was okay. But she didn’t ask. The second I left the kitchen, she continued to talk about Jack. He was her priority now, and I didn’t matter anymore. Not that I ever did.

I walked upstairs and headed to Sly’s door. I leaned in to possibly hear him, but there was silence. I lifted my hand and knocked softly, calling out his name. “Sly, can I come in?”


He didn’t respond.

He was ignoring me, and I deserved it.

Still, I just wanted to help and make sure he was okay.

“I’ll be in my room if you need to talk,” I said, pausing before adding, “This is Caia, by the way.”

It was best for me to leave him alone for a while, and so I left without saying another word. I went into my room and watched TV, missing lunch once again. I planned on not showing up for dinner either that evening, but I was hungry, and whatever Mom was cooking downstairs smelled delicious.

Of course, I would never admit that to her face. Then again, the last time anyone complimented her cooking she answered with a nonchalant, “I know.”

I sat silently at the table, listening to Wavel go on and on about how amazing Jack was. She told us that she had been talking to him on the phone all afternoon, and Dad kept questioning her about him.

I spaced out at some point. Wavel tapped my shoulder to get my attention, and I lifted my gaze from my empty plate to look at her. “Yes?”

“I asked if you would like to come to the library with me to read. It’s been a while since we last did that. What do you think?” Her smile should’ve been enough to convince me, but I just didn’t feel like reading tonight.

I wanted to be with Sly and hopefully get him to forgive me. I had to come up with a good apology first.

“Not tonight. I’m not in the mood.”

“Oh, that’s fine. Another time then. Maybe when I’m back from Vancouver.”
