Page 54 of Jealousy Jealousy

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“Thank you, Mom. It looks delicious! I will miss your cooking over the weekend, but Jack is a good cook too! He sends me pictures of his meals all the time, and he promised to cook for me.”

“The more you talk about him, the more I like him,” Dad said.

I looked at him and furrowed my brows, then I looked over at Sly who was frowning too. Good. We were on the same page.

Dad was fucking crazy. And so was Mom.

Wavel was simply naïve. Couldn’t make excuses for her.

I spent the rest of our lunch stuffing my face with food and listening to the others talk. Sly had been doing the same, and he had been avoiding questions. He wasn’t in the mood to talk about Wavel’s boyfriend. He looked pissed. As if something had happened between them and he was punishing her now with his ignorance. That was fine with me. He had glanced at me more than he ever had before.

Around three, Wavel and Mom went upstairs to her room one last time to make sure she packed everything, while Sly, Dad, and I sat around in the living room.

“I will have patients over tonight, and I will take them to the library. I don’t want to be bothered. Get the books you need if necessary, but I don’t want to see you creeping around the library tonight,” Dad said in a warning undertone. It wasn’t hard to believe that Wavel was his favorite. Even with Sly having to step up and follow in his footsteps once he was ready, Sly would never be Dad’s favorite.

I puckered my lips and observed them, hating how much Sly looked like Dad. Luckily, the looks were all he inherited from Dad.

An hour went by quickly, and we were already standing by the front door, saying goodbye to Wavel. Her suitcase was already in the taxi’s trunk, and the driver was patiently waiting for her to get into the car.

“I will miss you, my darling. Call me when you get to the airport and I will guide you through boarding,” Dad said, holding Wavel’s face in his hands with such tenderness. As if she was a porcelain doll.

“I’ll be fine, Daddy. Jack already explained everything to me. He flies a lot, you know?”

Of course. Jack was, like, superman. He did everything. He was everything. Jack this, Jack that. Ugh, enough! Just leave already.

“Alright, then.” Dad stepped back with a tight smile, letting Mom say goodbye.

She pulled Wavel into a tight hug. “Call me if you need anything, okay? And have fun.”

“Thanks, Mom. I will.”

Wavel turned to Sly when she was done being squeezed by Mom, and she smiled up at him with her usual sweet smile. “I’ll see you soon, Sly. I left a book you’ll like on your bed. It’s only a short one, so you could read it while I’m gone.”

Sly studied her with spiteful eyes, but she was oblivious to them. It once again proved that I was the only one knowing what he really felt.

He disregarded her request but pulled her into a quick hug. “Be safe.”

“I will,” Wavel replied, smiling up at him again as he let go. “Jack’s a good guy.”

She kept saying that as if she needed to hear it herself to believe it. She sounded so fucking unsure, yet excited to meet the man. Whatever would come from their encounter, at least she would have experienced the outside world.

“I’ll miss you most, Caia,” Wavel said as she turned to me.

My brows shot up in surprise. She was full of shit, but I played along. “I’ll miss you the most too,” I told her, hugging her for just a moment.

“When I’m back, I promise you can wear this sweater next,” she said, pointing at the teddy bear on her body.

“Oh, that’s fine,” I replied, sounding as weirded out as I was. I didn’t want to wear that expensive sweater. It wasn’t bought to be shared. Dad bought it for her and wearing it would only remind me of how little he loved me.

“Okay, well…” Wavel turned to everyone and smile gently. “I’ll see you on Saturday. I love you guys.”

Mom and Dad followed her to the door and stopped in the doorway, watching their favorite child take a taxi to the airport. It looked like an incredibly cringeworthy movie scene, and Mom’s tears made me feel some sort of second-hand embarrassment.

Wavel got into the taxi and waved at us through the window. The heavy rain made it difficult for us to see her expression, but if I weren’t mistaken, she hadn’t been smiling.

Chapter 34

