Page 29 of Tats

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This is it, time to tear my heart apart.

I grab my bag and stand behind his couch, waiting for him to enter. I could have sent him a text or left a note, but after three years of basically being in a relationship, I thought he deserved it face-to-face, even if it was going to kill me to watch his blank face as I crush my own heart.

The man has had his heart closed off for as long as I've known him. His family caused it, just like losing mine was the cause of me closing off my heart. But he wormed his way in.

I hear his boots on the gravel and the wiggle of the doorknob before he walks in, but he stops instantly when he sees me. His eyes take in my attire, completely missing the fact that the shirt I'm wearing is his from college. Instead, his gaze goes to my bag, then my teary face.

Anger instantly shines through those beautiful, blue eyes as they darken. He slams the door shut, making me jump a little. My breathing picks up; the last time I saw this kind of anger on him was when jackass Lewis spiked my drink. The next day, his car had mysteriously gone up in flames with him inside.

I can't say I'm sorry about that.

Tats looks at me coldly, making my tears fall. He places his hands on his hips and tilts his head.

I open my mouth to tell him I don't think we should continue our arrangement, that I'm in love with him, but he points at me and snaps, "Take that fucking bag back upstairs right now before I explode, because if you think you're ending things, Shorty, you’d better fucking think again. You. Are. Mine!"

My eyes widen in shock at his words before anger takes hold.

How in the hell can I be his when he's been screwing anything with a skirt!

Tats braces himself, crossing his arms over his muscled chest, spreading his feet apart, and my emotions explode. I drop my bag to the floor and walk over to him, shoving his chest, but he doesn't move. Instead, he just smirks, infuriating me more, and I screech as I shove him again, but he still doesn't move.

Frustrated, I shout in, "How in the hell can I be yours when you screw anything with a skirt?"

Crap, that came out wrong; it definitely sounded like I just accused him of cheating.

He raises a brow at me, calmly stating, "Last time I checked, we're in an open relationship, Vi, so you can't throw that in my face."

Damn it. I sigh sadly, and state, "I wasn't throwing it in your face, jackass. I was merely stating I can't be yours when you're with everyone else. It's…hurting me." He steps forward, gently cupping my cheek, my face tingling with his touch, a touch I will miss. I rasp, "I can't do this anymore, Tats, I?—"

He cuts me off when his lips touch mine, and I can't help it; I melt, like always.

He wraps his arm around me, holding me close so I can't move.

Against my lips, he murmurs, "You are mine, Violet…."

I struggle against his hold, not liking his words, knowing they are not true, but he just holds me tighter, his hand tightening on my cheek.

He continues, "And I'm yours," making me still in his arms in shock. I gaze into his eyes and he smiles before rubbing his nose against mine. He pecks my lips and whispers, "Take your bag back upstairs, Shorty. Take off those jeans and panties, and get your ass on that couch, because you're not going anywhere."

Tears fall, and I shake my head, gripping his shirt. "I can't continue the arrangement anymore, Tats?—"

He cuts in, "It's Jayden, Violet, and there has been no arrangement for the past year, and you know it baby. Fuck, even before that, there was no arrangement. We've basically been together for the past three years, but neither of us wanted to admit it."

I shake my head. "We've both been with other people, I?—"

He cuts in again, making me narrow my eyes at him, but he just smirks, admitting, "I haven't fucked another girl since your tattoo consultation." My eyes widen in shock as he continues, "Don't get me wrong, I've let a girl grope me, trying my hardest not to fall for you, fuck, last year, I had three clubwhores in my room, and I kicked them out, not wanting to touch them because I realized I fell for you anyway. I’d fallen before our arrangement. Fuck, I can't even remember when my feelings started, but I've always felt the spark with you." He grips my cheek as my tears fall. "Shorty, you have felt like mine for so long, and I know you've been with others, it was our arrangement, but you've wormed your way into my heart, and I'm not willing to lose you…. I love you, Violet."

I let out a sob and grip his top tighter, as I admit, "I-I haven't slept with anyone else, not even kissed. I've tried, but I felt dirty each time." He holds me tighter. "You're all I've ever wanted since I first saw you in high school but then?—"

Again, he cuts me off. "You lost your parents…."

I nod, resting my forehead against his stubbled chin. I whisper, "I thought I could have the best of both worlds with our arrangement. I’d have the man I've always wanted but without the commitment, so I don't fall for you and lose more, when I've already lost so much."

He wraps his arms around me, letting go of my cheek as his nose shifts to the top of my head. He whispers, "You're not going to lose me, Violet. I won't allow that to happen. I love you, baby. You've wormed your way into my soul."

I grip his shirt tighter and mumble, "How can you be in love with me when you don't even remember our first time?"

He snorts and pulls back, raising a brow. "Baby, I remember our first time. It was that fucking awful day at the club with church from hell, Scar had been hurt, and you were dragging your heels about giving our arrangement a shot. And now I understand why."
