Page 53 of Tats

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I groan, moving a little, my body aching as I open my eyes. My blurry gaze connects with my father's extremely panicky features before connecting with Doc's worried green eyes.

I try to sit up, noticing I'm in a hospital bed in the ER, and rasp, "What the fuck happened?"

My dad is the one to speak. "You were on the way to meet me at the shop when I saw a black sedan run you off the fucking road."

Bright lights flash before me, and I wince. Fuck.

Doc moves around the bed and helps me sit up, stating, "Luckily you only have bad road rash. You did bang your head, which knocked you out, but there's surprisingly no concussion. Tech is already looking into it."

I squeeze my eyes shut, wondering how I got so fucking lucky before I instantly still, and my eyes pop open, and I ask, "Fuck Doc, how long have I been out?"

He furrows his brows but states, "Just a couple of hours. It's three in the morning."

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Son…if this is about the woman you were with, I'm sure it'll be fine."

I shake my head before making eye contact with Doc, and say, "Has the nurse contacted my next of kin?"

Doc tilts his head. "No…she called me knowing you were a part of the club. Why?"

I groan, running my sore hand through my hair, and curse, causing my dad to step forward. "Son, I'm sure your mother will be fine. I'm here…."

I shake my head, snapping, "Momma isn't my next-of-kin, Dad!" He furrow shis brows in confusion.

"Who is?" Doc asks.

I wince and reply, "My wife," making their eyes widen in shock.

I look around the room and ask, "Where's my phone?"

Doc blinks, numbly replying, "Out front in a box with all your things…."

I curse again as I try to climb out of bed, groaning at the ache in my muscles, causing my dad to grip my shoulder, holding me in bed.

He blurts, "You're married?"

I grunt and nod, looking back at Doc, knowing Dad won't let me up.

"Lucas, I need you to call Violet right fucking now. She knew I was meeting dad, and I would have been home by now…. Her parents were killed in a car crash; this will send her over the edge." They both freeze, realizing who I married. Not needing this shit, I snap, "Lucas, call my wife now."

He snaps out of it and grabs his phone while my father's eyes go to my left hand, where my black wedding ring is.

Just as Doc gets his phone out, the curtain to the cubicle opens. My woman, the love of my life, stands there with tears trailing her cheeks, causing us all to look her way as a nurse stands behind her, looking guilty as fuck.

My eyes meet my girl’s, and I know she's five seconds from crumbling.




I groan and turn over in bed, my arm searching for Jayden. I frown and open my eyes, seeing the empty bed. I look at the clock on his side of the bed.
