Page 57 of Tats

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She mutters, "Flipping men and their egos."

I chuckle as she moves toward my dad, and stands beside him. He wraps his arm around her shoulders in support as she wrings her fingers, watching Doc intently as he checks all the wounds.

"Follow us home, Dad," I say to him, and he nods, his eyes still a little vacant.

Fuck, this is going to be hard.

An hour later, after ensuring Doc keeps quiet about me and my wife, my girl who refused to let me drive, pulls up outside our house, my dad following behind on his Harley. Vi looks at me with concern, but I just half smile at her before kissing her lips gently, and climbing out of her pickup. Dad meets me by the bed of the truck, and looks around. It’s obvious by the anger and pain on his face that he’s upset that I never told him about the place.

I pat his back and say, "Come on, Dad, let's get inside." I limp toward the door where Vi is waiting for me. When I reach the stairs, she rushes down to help, making me grin as I wrap my arm around her shoulders, my dad taking my other arm.

"So, about you not riding anymore…" Violet prods, and I laugh, shaking my head. Fuck, even Dad smiles at that.

I kiss her head as we approach the door and rasp, "You love my bike and would miss it."

She hums as she opens the door, knowing I'm right. We all head into the living area. I sit on the couch beside my woman as my father walks around the room, taking everything in.

He declares, "This place suits you."

I smile as he slowly sits on the chair. I reply, "It took a while, but yeah, I like it." I smile at Vi and say, "I'm looking forward to raising our child here."

She grins wide, and I kiss her forehead before looking at my dad. I sigh at his upset look.

"Dad…" I start, but he cuts me off.

“Are you really going to hand in your cut?"

I wince. "I can't have my baby brought up in the club, Dad. I can't have my wife around that lifestyle."

He shakes his head and asks, "Why? I mean…why?"

I sigh and make eye contact with Vi, who gives me a small, encouraging smile before I look back at my dad and admit, "You're a shitty father." His eyes widen. Vi choked on a laugh, making me smile and shake my head. "Okay, that came out wrong—well, no, it didn't. To me, you were a shitty father."

He sits forward. "Son, I tried my best with both you and your sister."

I shake my head and state, "No, you did great with my sister, except for encouraging her to hang with those shitty friends."

Violet cuts in, "Yeah, those bitches definitely got their just desserts." My dad and I smile at her before I get serious again.

"Dad, up until I was seven, you never had anything to do with me, and when you did, it was because you wanted Momma to see you were a great father when in reality, you fucking abandoned me."

He shakes his head. "I didn't abandon you, Jayden; you're my son, and I love you."

I wince. "Do you know that's the first time you told me that?" He furrows his brows as Violet grabs my hand in support. I continued, "You may not have abandoned me physically, but emotionally, you did, and the club saw it. They all watched as I was neglected and decided they would do the same." I swallow hard and admit, "You left me in the care of a woman who only wanted me as a way to your patch. You left me in the care of a woman who emotionally and verbally abused me for as long as I can remember. You left me in the care of old ladies who wanted nothing to do with me because their husbands fucked Snatch, and I could have been their stepson. You left me alone in a place where I was starved every single day."

His eyes widen with my words, and he stands when I whisper, "You left me alone with brothers who fucked Snatch and made me watch. I was five years old."

Tears shine in my dad’s eyes.

"Even after Momma came on the scene, you were distant, and I they forced me to watch that shit. I was mentally abused for years. I fucking begged you, and I fucking begged the club to kick Snatch out, but the brothers wouldn't because she was too good in the sack. And you, for some fucked up reason, decided I needed her around. I had her in my ear day in and day out, telling me how much of a failure I am, how I was a mistake, that no one wanted me around. That the club hated me, and how you begged her to abort me." He flinches. "I spent years hurt and neglected, only for you to then demand that I join a brotherhood who was never there for me. And then you to force me to sign a contract where the club gets the majority of my money from the tattoo shop, a contract I couldn’t break without paying a lump sum. Then, you see Snatch in my ear, immediately think the worst, then deny me my enforcer patch. Remembers, that’s the same woman who was demanding money from me the second I was patched as enforcer, because she believes I owe it to her since it was my fault she was a clubwhore and not an old lady."

I look down, trying to control my emotions as I whisper, "And when my little sister was born, I had to watch you be the father to her that I wish I had. I finally saw how unwanted I really was."

I squeeze my eyes shut, and Vi's hands squeeze mine before I make eye contact with my father. "Why would I want to stay in a brotherhood that treated me like shit? Why would I want a relationship with you when you neglected me because you fucked the wrong woman?" He flinches again as his tears fall. I continue, "I built a life for myself outside of the club, a life I fucking love. I own my home, I have clients that will follow me when I leave the shop, and I have a wife who is my whole fucking world, a wife who has stood by me. And now, she’s pregnant with my baby, a baby that will never know the ugliness and taint of a club that hated and abused me for years."

His tears continue to fall as he rasps, "I-I didn't…fuck…. You're not unwanted, I love you." His fingers grip his hair before panic overtakes his features.

I grind out, "I don't want a life in the brotherhood, and I don't want my baby around it or the people in it."
