Page 78 of Tats

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She shakes her head and sobs. "No…. I-I jinxed things with the prank, and-and now Doc-Doc is going to see me…. Oh God, I-I thought I was feeling Braxton hicks contractions. I-I thought it was pee when I-I was laughing…."

I squeeze her hands. "We get to meet our boy, Shorty. Try to focus on that. I love you so much."

She sobs but nods and replies, "I love you, too…." before she groans, pain hitting her.

Doc bends, helping Vi open her legs so he can take a look.

His eyes going wide as he states, "I can see the head full of dark hair. Push on your next contraction for me, Vi. You can do it."

She nods as another contraction hits. She squeezes my hands tightly and starts to push as Doc and I encourage her.

"That's it, Vi. The shoulders are out. Keep going, darling…" Doc says.

Once the contraction ends, Violet sobs as she collapses against my chest, and I kiss her sweaty head. "You're doing great, baby, nearly there…."

She nods as another contraction hits, and she cries out, pushing again. Moments later, we hear the beautiful cries of our son, and I can’t stop the tears that fall.

Doc cuts the cord and says, "Brother, lift her shirt up," and I do without question as he places our baby on my woman's chest. She cries as our baby look at us, now silent.

"Fuck, yes, that is a good fucking sign, a really good sign," Doc rasps, and I nod, touching our baby's head.

"Welcome to the world, Freddie Anton Rodriguez," I whisper, and Doc's tears fall when he hears my son's name.

"You named him after both his grandfathers," he whispers, and I nod, not taking my eyes off my little family. It took a while to think of a name. We already knew we'd name him after Vi's dad, but the middle name, I wanted to honor the man my father has become, not who he was.

A week later, I'm leaning against our son's nursery room door frame, watching my wife slowly lower him into his wooden crib with motorcycles carved into the side. Star, Flame's old lady from the Untamed, came and painted a mural of my bike with his name below it on the back wall as a baby gift, and it's fucking awesome.

Today, Doc confirmed after plenty of fucking tests, that Freddie’s showing no signs of brain damage. The club celebrated while my wife sat at her parent's grave for about an hour with him lying on her chest as she cried. In contrast, I sat nearby and let her have her moment, struggling not to take them both in my arms.

"I love you, my boy," she whispers, and my heart melts as I walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind, causing her to sigh in contentment as she leans against me.

"I want another one," I rasp against her ear, before kissing behind it.

She giggles. "Can we wait until after I've finished med school?"

I grin. "Nope. You still have a few years left before residency, but don't worry, you can do both."

Shaking her head, she turns toward me, and I smile, kissing her lips gently before she whispers, "You've still got five weeks yet, mister."

I grin, kissing her again, then look at our little man, who is the fucking spitting image of me. He's perfect and so loved. My girl has been doing her schoolwork here and is flourishing. When we’re at the club house, Momma or Dad, who cried openly when he learned his grandson's middle name, will hold the baby, refusing to hand him back. Or Cannon will steal him when Vi takes the baby to the shop. He and Phil are thinking about going down the surrogacy route, but Smokey firmly denies them his woman's womb, despite Phil claiming they already share one child. But my brother has put his foot down, making everyone laugh.

Liv also denied her own womb, only wanting to carry Smoke's babies now.

I look at my boy sleeping, and my heart melts. He's been shown the love I never did. The club and my dad are all showing him exactly how they wished they treated me, and it helps my forgiveness grow.

"Have I told you how much I love you? How grateful I am for you giving me the time of day, and helping me become who I am today?" I rasp.

She hums, watching our son, and states, "You saved me, Jayden." I smile, pressing my nose against her head as she continues, "You may not have seen it, but when you asked for a casual relationship, you saved me. You dug your way into my life and heart, so you don't need to thank me for giving you the time of day. I love you so much, and honestly, I'm glad we started off the way we did because, otherwise, it probably wouldn't have worked. We were both broken and struggling to heal. Starting the way we did helped us grow, and allowed us to heal each other."

I kiss her head, my love shining for this magnificent woman, and nod. "Five weeks, Shorty, and you will be getting pregnant again…."

She giggles silently and says, " You're supposed to wait at least eighteen months before having another."

I silently curse but state, "Then we'll practice," causing her to giggle again. I smile and whisper, "I love you, Shorty."

"I love you, too, Jayden," she rasps back, causing me to tighten my arms around her as we watch our son.

This, right here, is something I never dreamed of having, but now that I have it, I want more. I want to fill her with my babies, and give our children the life we missed out on. I want to grow old with her, and watch our family grow.

And I keep to my word. After about a year, I knocked her up again, and couldn't have been happier.
