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“I have one coming in for an interview today.”

Kong let off a short laugh. “Of course you do. What would we do without you?”

“Crash and burn?” she asked lightly.

“We’ve got the mill going. See you in fifteen. Sorry for the pre-shift call. No one puts out fires like you.”

“Because all y’all want to do is fight everyone.”

“Not you!”

She shook her head and rolled her eyes to the ceiling of Lucas’s truck. “See you soon.”

She disconnected and finished up her notes in Sheila’s account.

“That’s kind of hot,” Lucas said.

“What is?” she asked distractedly.

“Kong comes to you to fix problems with his sawmill.”

“Nah, just with the lumberyard part of it. He’s on it with the sawmill. It’s the business part of it he needs help with.”

“How long have you worked for him?”

“Oh geez, how long?” she whispered as she logged out of Sheila’s notes. She relaxed back in the seat and thought about it. “I left the mountains for a job when I was eighteen.”

“Wait, you left Damon’s Mountains?”

“You sound shocked.”

“I am. I don’t know, I just imagined you always lived here, in Ashe Crew territory.”

“Just stagnant, every day looking like the last?”

“Not like that. I just…why would you ever want to leave? I didn’t even want to leave.”

“To find myself maybe? I didn’t feel connected to people my age here, and I thought if I could go somewhere no one knew how shy I was, maybe I could do it different.”

“Did you?”

“No. I was just in an unfamiliar place and still shy. I tried for a couple years though.”

“Where did you go?”

A flood of memories washed over her. “I went to Montana.”

“To do what?”

“I was a logger.”

He pursed his lips for a few seconds and didn’t respond, but she had to know. “What are you thinking?”

“That’s really hot.” He let off an airy laugh. “Seriously, is there anything you can’t do?”

“I probably wouldn’t be good at war.”

“I mean, you tried to scoop one of your friend’s eyeballs out last night just because he was fighting me, so I can’t imagine what you would do to an enemy.”
