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She flinched at my words, but then her face hardened, a stubborn set to her jaw that I recognized all too well. "I'm her mother, Jake. You can't keep me away from her forever."

I crossed my arms over my chest, standing my ground. "Watch me. Hailey doesn't want to see you, Natasha. She's happy and healthy and thriving, no thanks to you. And I'll be damned if I let you swoop in and disrupt her life again."

Natasha's eyes flashed with anger, and for a moment, I thought she might actually take a swing at me. But then the front door opened, and Hailey stepped outside, her face a mask of confusion and hurt.

"Mom?" she said, her voice small and uncertain. "What are you doing here?"

Natasha's face softened, and she took a step towards Hailey, her hands outstretched. "Baby, I missed you so much. I just wanted to see you, to talk to you."

But Hailey backed away, shaking her head. "No, Mom. You can't just show up here like this, expecting everything to be okay. You left us, remember? You walked away and never looked back. And when you did come back, it was all a lie. And if that wasn’t bad enough, you went through my phone and hurt two people I care about. All for what? Yourself!"

Natasha's eyes filled with tears, and for a moment, I almost felt sorry for her. Almost. "Hailey, please. I know I made mistakes, but I want to make things right. I want to be a part of your life for real."

Hailey looked at her for a long moment, her face unreadable. And then, to my surprise, she stepped forward and took Natasha's hands in hers.

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "But I don't think I want you in my life. Not right now. I have Dad, and I have Molly, and I have a whole town full of people who love me and support me. I'm happy, and I'm not going to let you ruin that."

Natasha's face crumpled, and she let out a choked sob. But Hailey just squeezed her hands once more before letting go and turning back towards the house.

"Goodbye, Mom," she said, her voice steady and strong. "I hope you find what you're looking for. But it's not here, not with us."

And with that, she walked inside, leaving Natasha and me standing there in stunned silence.

I felt a rush of pride and love for my daughter, for the brave, wise, compassionate young woman she had become. And I knew, in that moment, that everything was going to be ok.

Because we had each other nothing could break that bond.

Not Natasha, not the stress of wedding planning, not anything life could throw our way. But I wasn’t going to tempt the universe. It had thrown an enough shit my way.



Sunlight poured through the gauzy curtains, bathing the cozy room in a warm golden glow. My wedding dress hung pristine in its garment bag nearby, the delicate lace and beading winking at me invitingly. I took a deep, calming breath to steady my nerves as the rest of the suite slowly came to life around me.

Hailey was the first to poke her head in, looking bright-eyed and vibrating with anticipation. She was already dressed in her sweet lavender bridesmaid's gown, her auburn hair expertly curled into an up-do.

"Good morning, future step-mom!" she crowed, bouncing over to give me an enthusiastic hug. I caught a whiff of her fruity shampoo and felt a wave of affection for this girl I had grown to love like my own daughter. "Are you ready to get this show on the road?"

I laughed, squeezing her tightly. "So ready, Hails. This is really happening!"

"That's right, baby girl!" My mom swept in next, robe swirling around her, already appearing misty-eyed. "My little Molly blossom is getting married today. Shall I tell the fire marshal to stand down?"

Hailey looked between me and my mom, questioning smile on her lips. I laughed. “I think the fire threat is low today.”

She pulled me into her arms, and I breathed in the comforting, familiar scent of incense and powders I could never pinpoint made me feel five years old again. "I'm so happy for you, sweetheart," she murmured in my ear. "Jake is a wonderful man, and I know he'll make you incredibly happy as his wife."

"Thanks, Mom," I said thickly, blinking back tears of my own as I hugged her fiercely. I was a grown woman about to take her vows, yet part of me would always be that little girl seeking her mother's approval and blessing. Hearing her give it so wholeheartedly made my heart swell.

"If you even think about getting any ideas, Molly Sinclair, I'll be forced to frog-march you right out of this room!" Becca ordered and I jumped slightly at the barked "warning", then rolled my eyes as Laney and Becca came cackling into view. Laney was brandishing a hair brush like a tiny club, mock-glaring at me in her bridesmaid's gown.

"The bride is not permitted to get cold feet on my watch," she said sternly, finally cracking a grin. "This wedding is happening if I have to lasso you down the aisle myself, understood?"

"I wouldn't dream of it," I assured her with a laugh, pulling her into a hug. Leave it to Becca to add some lighthearted chaos to my wedding morning. "Thanks for the pep talk, Sergeant Slaughter."

Laney swanned in then, looking impeccably chic as always. "Need I remind you two grown children that we have a very important party to get ready for? Unless you want the groom to be an old, graying man by the time his bride makes it down the aisle."

We all dissolved into more giggles at that, the three of us thrilled to be sharing this special day together after so many years of friendship. With Becca cracking the whip, we got down to the important work of primping and preening in between steady streams of laughter
