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I felt a rush of gratitude for this man, who had been my rock throughout the whole renovation process. "Thanks, Rodney. Seriously, you're the best."

"Tell that to my wife," he joked, his laughter rumbling through the phone. "She thinks I'm a slob."

"Oh, I have," I assured him, grinning despite myself. "Repeatedly. She's a lucky lady."

We said our goodbyes, with Rodney warning me to stay safe in the impending storm. As I hung up, I leaned back in my seat, feeling a confusing mix of emotions swirling inside me like a tornado.

Moving back into my cottage should have been a happy occasion. After all, it was my sanctuary, the place where I had rebuilt my life after the whole Brent debacle. I had poured my heart (and a good chunk of my savings) into making it the perfect home.

But now, the thought of leaving Amy's, of being away from Jake and Hailey, made my chest ache like I'd swallowed a bag of cement. When had "home" started to mean more than just four walls and a roof?

I sighed, watching the raindrops race each other down the windshield. I knew I should be excited about the cottage, but all I could think about was how empty it would feel without the laughter and love I had grown so accustomed to.

But hey, that's life, right? Just when everything seems settled, the universe throws a curveball. Or in my case, a fastball straight to the heart.

When I got to Amy’s, a wet umbrella leaned against the wall on the doorstep. I smiled, guessing Jake was already there waiting for me. The feeling of coming home to him eased the anxiety in my chest.

"Hey," I called as I stepped through the door. The entry way mirror revealed the wet blots all over my pink blouse. I smoothed my rain frizzed hair and kicked off my sandals.

"How was your day?" he answered from the kitchen.

"Eh, same old, same old. You?"

"About the same. The kids are mentally already on summer vacation and so am I."

"Well, that makes two of us." I walked in and tossed my bag on the table. He followed and wrapped his arms around me. "I heard your house is done. We're going to miss having you over here."

I sighed, his closeness warming me. "News travels fast. I just spoke to Rodney. The inspection is tomorrow. If it's good, they'll finish up the flooring, but it's basically done."

He squeezed me tighter, his cheek against mine. "I popped into the hardware store on my way home and ran into Declan. He works for Rodney. That’s how I found out."

"I always forget just how small this town is."

He laughed, and the warm vibration rippled through his chest and into me. "Yeah."

"I'll text Amy and let her know. I wish I could do something for her and Pat. Something special, to thank them."

He let go of me. "I have a few packages over at mine that I need to put in the nursery. I brought in the ones that were on the porch when I got home. The rest she sent to mine."

"Oh, I've got the perfect plan!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands like an overexcited seal. Jake gave me one of those amused smiles, the kind that said, you're adorable, but also possibly insane.

"Having a private party over there?" he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

I rolled my eyes, trying to look stern but failing miserably. "Hush, you. I'm having a brilliant idea moment here."

Jake held up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. Lay it on me, genius."

I took a deep breath, my grin so wide it threatened to split my face in two. "Let's set up the nursery for Amy and Pat! I mean, by the time they get back, that baby might already be here. We should put all this stuff together for them. It's the least we can do after everything they've done for me."

Jake's smile softened, and I could practically see the love and appreciation radiating off him like a warm, fuzzy blanket. "That's a fantastic idea, Molly. We can make a weekend project out of it. I'm sure Hailey would love to help, too."

We chatted for a bit longer, watching the rain slowly peter out like a tired toddler after a tantrum. As soon as there was a break in the downpour, we sprang into action like a pair of superhero sidekicks.

Ten minutes later, we had all the boxes piled up in the soon-to-be nursery, which currently housed a bed that would need to be evicted to make room for the crib and changing table. It was like a giant game of furniture Tetris, and I was determined to win.

"Alright, Mr. Muscles," I said, hands on my hips as I surveyed the room. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us. You really think you’ll be ready for this? You haven’t seen me in DIY mode."

Jake flexed his biceps, and I tried not to drool like a cartoon wolf. "Born ready."

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