Page 121 of Talk Swoony to Me

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“Because I can’t help but notice that he’s not clinging to your body like a leech right now.”

I tap the sketchbook with my pencil. “We’re both just… busy today, that’s all.”

And waiting for this damn dance to be a thing of the past so I can get on with my life.

“Okay, well...” Jenna yanks the cork off the bottle. “It’s Saturday night. There are no good parties. All the Greek houses are empty thanks to the mask ball, so I figured you and I could hang out together and have a good, old-fashioned, girly night.” She pours the wine. “We’ll talk and give each other make-overs and chat about that Efron fellow.”

“I’m more of a Henry Cavill kind of girl nowadays,” I joke.

“I’m flexible.” She holds out my glass. “What do you say?”

I smile as I take the glass. “Sure,” I say. “That sounds great.”

Jenna balances on her other hand. “But seriously,” she says, raising her wicked brow. “Was that his cock?”

I chuckle as I take a sip.

* * *

“Wow...” I admire myself in the hand mirror. Big, smokey eyes. Pink painted lips. A stunning up-do that took literally no time for Jenna to pull off. “I look like a princess,” I say, tilting my head.

Jenna nods. Her make-up is similarly done, but with stark red and orange eyeshadow that lights her eyes aflame. “Yeah. That’s what I was going for.” She hands me a tissue. “Blot.”

I press it between my lips as the doorbell rings.

“Who’s that?” I ask from the floor.

Jenna hops to her feet and flashes that sinister smile I know all too well. “Your prince,” she says.

“My what?”

She spins on her bare toes and hustles into the hallway.

“Jenna!” I push off the floor. “Hold up.”

I follow her into the living room. She marches to the door, ignoring me as she swiftly moves to open it.

Drew stands on the porch in a black suit and tie. His nose bandage is gone, but there’s a noticeable bruise along the bridge of his nose. He holds a masquerade mask up to his handsome face, and my chest clenches.

“Good evening, ladies,” he greets.

Jenna curtsies. An actual fucking curtsy. “Good sir,” she hums.

“Is she ready?”

“Almost. Just has to put on her dress.”

I flinch. “My dress?”

Big, smokey eyes. Pink painted lips. The damned princess-like up-do.

I groan. “You tricked me?”

Jenna nods. “Yes, I did,” she says.


“Because I love you, but I also like to party.” She spins around. “I’m going to go get changed.”
