Page 208 of Talk Swoony to Me

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“It might.”

“Dana, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Just ask.”

Dana pauses, her breath held in tight as the breeze sends a lock of her blonde hair over her nose. "Okay, well…” She reaches into the pocket of her dress and withdraws her phone. “I wrote down what I wanted to say so I wouldn’t… lose track…”

I can’t help but smile as she taps and scrolls.

“Dear Heartbreaker—” She cuts herself off. “I don’t know why I wrote that. Dear Connor…” Her eyes meet mine for a millisecond, then… “I want you to be my first.”

My smile drops. Another gush of wind rolls past, but it’s not enough to stop the heat filling my cheeks. I stare at her, unblinking, wondering if I misheard her.

“First?” I ask.

“Now,” she continues reading after swallowing hard, “I know what you’re thinking. But you’re?—”

“First what?”

“Let me finish. I know what you’re thinking. But you’re Dana Kirby. You’re Alex and Ben’s sister. I can’t have sex with you. But I’m also?—”


I definitely didn’t mishear her.

“Hold on, I’m almost done,” she says over me, her words coming faster. “But I’m also a woman. A young woman with needs and urges, just like you. Not that you’re a woman or anything,” she adds quickly, scolding herself. “I didn’t have a chance to proofread this. Anyway?—”


“I need to lose my virginity and I want you to be the one to take it. I trust you a lot, and you have experience in this area.”

“I do?”

She looks up from her phone. “Don’t you?”

“Well… yeah, but?—”

“Then, teach me.” She looks me in the eye, so very sure, as she lowers her phone to her side. “I want to learn.”


She wants to learn.

“You want to learn how to have sex?” I say it aloud, just to be sure we’re both on the same page.“You want me to teach you… how to have sex?”

“Yes,” she says.

Dana Kirby wants me to teach her how to have sex.

My lungs force me to breathe. Sex. Okay. Sex with me. Also okay — very okay. Sex with Dana? Not okay. That’s…

Not okay.

“Why?” I ask after a moment.

“Because I don’t want to go to college a virgin.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing, but with Rush Week coming up soon, I want to be prepared for, you know… what might be expected of me.”
