Page 226 of Talk Swoony to Me

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Ben nods.“An assholewho bullied her through junior high. Wasn’t too friendly to us, either.”

“And now he’s back.”

“He’s on the scout team with us.”

“So?” Dana says again.

I frown, staying quiet.

This... wasn’t the reaction I expected.

“So,” Alex says, “watch your back, sister.”

“Yeah,” Ben adds.“And if Emerson gives you any shit again, you come find us.”

“We’ll take care of him,” I say, drawing her gaze for a moment.

It doesn’t last long enough.

“Okay, well, I’ll keep that in mind.” Dana throws on a smile as she slowly begins closing her door. “Thanks for the head’s up, but we’re gonna get back to work now...”

“Actually, I should get back to campus,” Dylan says, leaning over to grab his backpack off the floor. “I’ve got a class.”


Piss off, Dylan.

“All right.” Dana shrugs, re-opening the door. “I’ll see you on Friday?”

Dylan hops excitedly on his toes. “Friday, Friday! Can’t wait.”

“What’s on Friday?” I ask, standing in place while Alex and Ben move out of the way.

“Alpha Delta Xi party,” Dylan answers, that smirk clinging to his mouth. “You’re all coming, too, right? Dana mentioned it’s, like... your birthrights, or something?”

Dana’s mentioned an awful lot to you, buddy.

Alex scoffs. “Yeah, we’ll be there,” he says.

“Sweet.” Dylan nudges Dana’s shoulder, friendly and familiar. “See you then.”

“I’ll walk you out,” she says, angling her body to slip between the three of us.

I step back, making space in the hallway. Dylan glances at me as he passes, a subtle wink flashing from the corner of his eye. I wait for them to turn away before looking at Alex and Ben, the three of us nodding in unison before promptly following them down the stairs to the living room.

“Bye, Dylan!” Dana says, offering him a wave from the front door. He blows a kiss from the sidewalk — I grimace — before hopping into a small black car parked on the street.

Dana closes the door, then turns, crossing her arms as she glares at us.“Could you guys be any more awkward?” she asks. “Seriously?”

“We’re awkward?” Alex says, laughing. “You’re the one bringing weird dudes back to the house in the middle of the day while Mom and Dad are on campus.”

“Yeah,” Ben says. “Who was that guy?”

Yeah, Dana.

Who was that guy?

“I told you,” she says. “He’s in my playwriting class. He stopped by to lend me some plays.”
