Page 238 of Talk Swoony to Me

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He nods, eyes shifting to admire Dana again. “She’s a nice girl,” he says.

“She’s great, yeah.”

“You have good taste.”

My gut lurches. “Oh, no. It’s— it’s not like that.”

“Obviously,”he quips.

“Really. We’re friends. I’ve known her my whole life.”

“Yeah.” He angles himself to whisper in my ear as he passes. “That’s what she said, too.”

I stand still, his whisper charging down my spine. Exactly how much didDana tell this guy?

At least now I know he’s not a candidate,but that, of course, limits the possibilities to... every other guy at this party.

I grit my teeth, twisting to catch sight of Dana again when I collide with someone’s shoulder.

“Watch your step, Heartbreaker.”

I back up, coming face-to-face with a girl... whose heart I might have actually broken.

“Jacinda,” I say, surprised. “Hey.”

She smiles, brown eyes glistening behind new glasses. “Hi, Connor.”

“It’s been a while.”

“Yeah. Well...” She chuckles. “Three months since graduation, give or take a few days.”

“Right.” I shake my head. Duh. “I didn’t know you were going here. I thought you always wanted to go east coast.”

“I did, but my parents liked the idea of not paying for a dorm, so...”

I laugh. “Yeah. Mine, too. Until I move into this house, obviously.”

“Undergraduate here. Graduate school on the east coast.”

“Sounds like a good plan.” I nod at her arms. “And you’re pledging, too.”

“I’ve beenofficially claimed,” she says, presenting her hands and arms, long locks of jet-black hair tumbling over her elbows. She’s marked with various stickers, but one house clearly has more than others.

“Beta Kappa,” I say.

“Beta Kappa,” she says, happy with her claim.

“You’d fit in well there.”

“I’ll... take that as a compliment.”

“I meant it as one.”

“Oh, good.”

“It’s looking like Dana will be there, too,” I say.

“I noticed.” Jacinda laughs, casting a glance over my shoulder into the sitting area. “I wanted to say hi, but she seems... busy.”
