Page 448 of Talk Swoony to Me

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“Wow,” Paige whispers as she looks away from Evey. “Another baby.”

“How many do they have?” I ask, more than a little curious about the bakery man and his adorable wife.

“Two,” she answers. “Vincent’s sister has two as well, last I heard, so that’s quite a few tiny fingers and toes to keep track of.”

I note the cringe in her tone. “Do you think you’ll ever...?”

“Have kids?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“No,” she says with a laugh, defiant. “No.”

“No?” I ask.

“God, no. Parenting is... not for me, I’ll just put it that way.” She sips from her glass. “You?”

“No,” I answer.


“I’m not much of a family man, I’ll just put it that way.”

“I figure,” she takes another drink, “if I were meant to be a mom, then I would have felt the urge by now. But I haven’t. I look at my life, my job, how I spend my time, and I’m happy. No need to over-complicate it.”

I raise my glass to her. “Agreed.”

“Also, I was in the delivery room with Jen for about ten minutes and, let me tell you,” she visibly shudders, “not the way I’d choose to spend a weekend.”

I chuckle as a memory resurfaces. “I was there for a delivery once.”


“I was about twenty, I think,” I say, thinking back. “A couple came to the Plaza for a baby moon that went... differently than they expected. She gave birth in the hallway on the twelfth floor.”

Her jaw drops. “She couldn’t get to the hospital?”

“There was no time. Once it started, it just happened.”

“Did you deliver it yourself?”

“Me? No.” I laugh. “No. I was on the sidelines fetching towels and water. Fiona delivered it.”

Paige snorts. “Oh, of course she did.”

“You think you’ve seen everything until you see a billionairess in a ten-thousand dollar ballroom gown drop to her knees and say, ‘bitch, you gotta push’ to a total stranger. Then, you realize that life will never stop surprising you.”

Paige covers her mouth as she laughs even harder. “That is insane,” she says between breaths.

“It really was.”

“As if I couldn’t love her more.”

I nod in agreement. “Fiona’s something else.”

“Fiona 2022!”

We clink our glasses.
