Page 510 of Talk Swoony to Me

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You’ve been canned.



Your old job still needs doing, you’re just not the one doing it anymore. It’s freeing, in some ways. Bittersweet, too. If you enjoyed your job as much as I did, it can be downright depressing. The people you interacted with every day are suddenly... not there anymore.

Nevertheless, life goes on. The world turns. And I, being the strong, independent woman I am, will roll out of my bed, get dressed, and go out into the world in pursuit of the one thing that can make me feel better.

My mommy.

But there’s another thing that happens when you’re suddenly unemployed. Once you wade through the brain fog and come out the other end, you realize that being unemployed means you no longer have a steady income. For some, that’s fine. They’ll make do. For others, like myself...

They’re screwed.

I’ll be fine. Honestly, I don’t need much. On my own, the four months of severance pay I’ll receive would be enough to last me a long time.

But it’s not just me.

I arrive at Lowell Assisted Living with a speech prepared. I’ll do anything. I’ll ask. I’ll beg. I’ll volunteer twenty hours a day if it means letting my mother stay here while I find a new job. I’ll pay every penny... eventually. That’s reasonable, isn’t it?

With my luck lately, I doubt it.

I cross the lobby toward the front desk, passing between a few rows of tables and chairs. Some residents sit about, chatting and playing games over coffee. I scan the faces for my mother, but she’s never been much of a joiner. She prefers to relax in her room with a book, so I’ll make my way there next.

But first...

I pause at the desk, my nerves shaking like crazy. Maureen stands behind it in a pair of blue scrubs with her back to me, her black hair pinned to the top of her head in a simple bun.

“Hey, Maureen,” I greet.

She turns around from the file cabinet and smiles. “Paige, hello!”

I smile, my breath held tight. “Hi!”

“Good to see you.”

“You, too. Is she doing better today?” I ask, stalling.

“Oh, yes!” she answers. “The last few days have been really good, actually.”

I nod. “Good. Great.”

“She should be in her room, if you want to head on back.”

“I will, but, uh...” I press my lips together. “I actually needed to talk to you about something first. It’s a... billing issue, specifically...”

Maureen pivots in my direction, giving me her full attention. “All right.”

“So, the thing is...” I begin.

I fucked my boss and lost my job.

“This morning, I’ve found myself between jobs,” I say.

Her head tilts with sympathy. “Oh, no. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Thank you. Unfortunately, what the means is that my mother’s payment for next quarter might be... a little late.”
