Page 520 of Talk Swoony to Me

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Graham and I stare at her.

She blinks. “I’m not worried,” she says as she reaches for her water glass. “You’re worried.”

“I’m not worried,” I say.

“Me neither!”

“Well, I’m a little worried,” I say, clearing my throat. “Not about her getting panties thrown at her head, though. The Majority Leader would never allow it on the floor.”

Graham chuckles. “You nervous about tonight?”

I nod. “Very.”

“Eh.” He waves a hand. “Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.”

“I hope so.”

Marla leans forward. “What’ll be fine?” she asks. “What’s happening?”

Graham raises a brow. “You didn’t tell Marla?”

“Would you tell Marla?” I ask him.

He winces. “Good point.”

“Tell me what?!” she asks.

“Nothing,” I say. “You’ll know tomorrow.”

She squints with confused, then gasps. “Wait! Are you?—”

“Shh!” I raise a finger to her mouth. “She has ears everywhere.”

“Oh, my god!” She hops excitedly on her chair. “That’s why Parker’s covering for you next week!”


“And why you’re using your vacation days?—”


She slaps her hand to her mouth. “I’ll shut up. Shutting up now.”

“Thank you.” I turn back to Graham. “Only you and Fiona know.” I glare at Marla. “For now.”

She presses her lips together, but they probably won’t stay that way for long. At least I only need her to be cool for another five hours or so.

Then, life as I know it will change forever.

Carpe diem, right?

“Hi, Parker!” Marla says.

I look over my shoulder as the Junior Company Liaison approaches our table.

We recruited Parker Donovan through the internship program at our Boston location. After last year’s shareholders’ convention, we put out a feeler to building managers looking for someone to become the very first Junior Company Liaison. Graham and I had our work cut out for us when replies flooded our inbox within a few hours, but a simple text from Angela ended our search quickly.

You have got to meet this kid.
